

Last seen: 2 years ago Active since 2011

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I've been doing this a while & tend to be busy. (I don't come here often) Programming, objects, signal processing, statistical signal processing, machine learning (for engineering). . Ok, I was keen to enter lat&long, but how does that link below help? All I got was a map. Professional Interests: signal processing, oceanography


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Yet another create, numbered, figures with visible off
set(0,'CurrentFigure',fH) appears to select the figure, but not make it visible.

4 years ago | 0


Yet another create, numbered, figures with visible off
I have a loop. reuses figures, as matlab grinds to a halt with too many figures open. Currently by numbering inside for loop ...

4 years ago | 2 answers | 1




2019a windows insists on downloading
2019a setup download only no problem setup --> downloading (cancel) into directory of download setup --> downloading (canc...

5 years ago | 0 answers | 0




regexp for time - cannot guess it
regexp('123456.00','(?<hh>\d{2})(?<mm>\d{2})(?<ss>\d{2})\.(?<ff>\d{2})','names') ans = struct with fields: hh: '12' ...

5 years ago | 2 answers | 0



make two while loop work parallely
Sure, run two Matlabs. Why?

5 years ago | 0

I have the following code. The values of displ in stage1 and stage2 are plotted in displ vs time graph. Thus a single curve is obtained.
Is this the sort of thing you are looking for? displ=zeros(100,2) tim=zeros(100,1) stageOneMask = false([100,1]); stageTwo...

5 years ago | 1

| accepted

remove specific array in struct
account = struct('owner','Harry','balance',0,'number',42) account = struct with fields: owner: 'Harry' balanc...

5 years ago | 0

| accepted

selecting and extracting contiguous points as one event
tt = linspace(0,12,1001); s= sin(tt); th = 0.4; nnz(diff(s-th)); dd = [0,diff((s-th)>0)>0.5]; plot(tt,s,tt,dd); grid('on')...

5 years ago | 0

matrix dimensions must agree.
>> whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes a 1x1 8 double b...

5 years ago | 0

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how to save all output of a loop in a matrix. the loop run throug 200 files dataset and return column vector of 800 points each iteration , i need to have 200x800 matrix as result
% % Header explaining things, like purpose, author, date, purpose of homework? % % BTW: If you access the data by loop iterat...

5 years ago | 0


install from downloaded files
I'm sure it's an old question. Every time I download (only) to install on work computers & home. Every time, I search & se...

6 years ago | 2 answers | 0



how to simulate radar echo signal with time delay and doppler shift without using phased array toolbox if the direct signal is 16-ary QAM modulated
Perhaps you can write the analytic expression for the returned signal as a function & call this with the required delay & Dopple...

7 years ago | 1

Calculate and Plot Fourier function
>> tmp01 Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree. Error in tmp01 (line 17) A4 = cos(n*2*pi*Fm*t-2*pi*Fc*t); ...

7 years ago | 0


Printing source in the editor to A3 paper comes out as A4 on an A3 page. Any help?
Anyone point me to a viable set of settings to print source from the standard windows Matlab editor to A3 paper? R2102b edito...

11 years ago | 0 answers | 0



2013b editor tabs ordering? (at the top, not ^I, HT)
Thanks, Context menu - not preferences. I found the alphabetize. Not ticked. Also found the - position - not available throu...

11 years ago | 0


2013b editor tabs ordering? (at the top, not ^I, HT)
In 2013b the editor tabs, for multiple files, behave differently. (1) Anyone know whether I can revert the behaviour to that of...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 1



R2013a editor slow to respond to edits?
Well, yes it affects it. Score one for a dependence. :) With the code analyser off, it is not as slow, but still noticeably...

11 years ago | 0


R2013a editor slow to respond to edits?
Win7-64, 3+GHz i7, 32GB RAM, java heap maxed out, ... I find the R2013a editor very slow to respond to keypresses on files th...

11 years ago | 7 answers | 2




GUIDE - a perpetual loop affected by GUI - advice sought - threading model confusing
I have what I guess is not so uncommon a model. A perpetually repeating loop does processing & display. I want to affect the pro...

11 years ago | 0 answers | 0



How to increase number of lines in contour plots?
help contour? ... contour(Z, N) and contour(X, Y, Z, N) draw N contour lines, ... ... contour(Z, V) and contour(X, Y, Z,...

11 years ago | 2

Pass GUI variables to base workspace in real-time
Is the assignin() in a GUI callback? I guess these callbacks will not run, be queued if the main-line does nothing to let anoth...

11 years ago | 0


syntax for call to java library function with byte[] (reference) parameter?
Sockets, again. Where I am: I have cast & typecast to make my data look like uint8. I have socket & getInputStream & Bu...

11 years ago | 4 answers | 3



I need help with the error :Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Sorry a little too hard to read & simulate your file to put the time in just at the moment. . I'd start by putting these lines...

11 years ago | 0

Element wise multiplication by a vector
I guess it is the definition of matrix multiply that is getting in your way. Maybe have a look at diag(V). It will cost yo...

11 years ago | 0

matrix manipulation,want to find mean value?
"subtracts this with" ? . Try something like . homeworkVec = mean(W(1:4,:),1)-mean(W(5:7,1),1); In mean(x,1), the...

11 years ago | 0

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Experiences with release 2012b
My votes: *Ribbon: hid it. (ugly & used WAY TOO MUCH space, even with my widescreen in portrait) Added the buttons I want to ...

12 years ago | 1

how create coordinate array?
huda nawaf, Interesting that the Mathworks copyright is still in the code you are using. It is not clear what is added to gp...

12 years ago | 1

Converting Excel columns to a vector
Are the columns always the same length? If the dimensions, length of hf(:,i) & c are different you may need to consider hf...

12 years ago | 0

How to crop arrays using a vector? (reverse of padarray)
Sorry I do not know paddarray, so maybe I am answering the wrong question. I can give you parts of a way to do it. There ma...

12 years ago | 1

Using find and allocating answer to an array
Sorry, I don't get where "acc" comes into it. You could try totalPlocations = zeros(size(peakamp)); peakamp = unique(pe...

12 years ago | 0

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