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What Should I Opt For MY SQL?

Elija on 20 Nov 2023 (Edited on 20 Nov 2023)
Latest activity Reply by Khan on 14 Feb 2024

Hello, all!
This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection!
I have a good interest in learning sql server course and right now I am taking help from various platforms like
Also I have a doubt that is it a good option to learn from platforms like this or I should go for some sql server online training . I have searched for the solution of my queries in various above platforms which helped me up to some extent only as it was not directly given by any expert or trainer.
Hoping in getting a quick response
Thankyou in advance.
Khan on 14 Feb 2024
Some websites provides structured learning materials, peer or teacher interaction, and SQL Server courses. But if you're looking for more individualized coaching and practical instruction, have a look at Iqra Technology's SQL Server online training courses, which are taught by qualified professors or business specialists. Choose according to your budget, personal goals, and learning style.
Numerous websites offer complimentary online courses, providing learners with access to a diverse array of educational content at no cost.
Macro on 27 Dec 2023
This is very much useful for me.
Thanks for sharing.
David on 20 Nov 2023
If your goal is a certification of some kind, then those examples seem reasonable. If you're not, there are many other resouces that'll help you ramp up on the technology. w3schools is just one example: SQL Tutorial (

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