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i=dsolve('​Dy=-8*y+40​*sin(8*t)'​,'y(0)=5') Warning: Support for character vector or string inputs will be removed in a future release. Instead, use syms to declare variables and replace inputs such as dsolve('Dy = -3*y') with syms y(t); dsolve(diff(y,

JUAN CARLOS on 26 Nov 2023 (Edited on 27 Nov 2023)
Latest activity Reply by Walter Roberson on 11 Dec 2023

Warning: Support for character vector or string inputs will be
removed in a future release. Instead, use syms to declare
variables and replace inputs such as dsolve('Dy = -3*y') with syms
y(t); dsolve(diff(y,t) == -3*y). > In dsolve (line 126)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Dec 2023
syms y(t)
i = dsolve(diff(y) == -8*y + 40*sin(8*t), y(0) == 5)
This leads to the result
i =
(15*exp(-8*t))/2 - (5*2^(1/2)*cos(8*t + pi/4))/2
Noah Prisament
Noah Prisament on 27 Nov 2023
Hi Juan, this question would be better posted in MATLAB Answers. But to resolve this warning, you can use the dsolve syntax described in the warning and explained in this documentation: which uses symbolic equations instead of an equation string.

See Also