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Register Customizations with Simulink

In Simulink®, you can register multiple customizations with an sl_customization function.

Create Customization File

To register customizations, use a MATLAB® function file named sl_customization.m. Place the function file on the MATLAB path of the Simulink installation that you want to customize, or, place the file in the current folder.

You can have more than one sl_customization.m file. The customizations in each file take effect, with conflicts handled by each customization. For example, if you specify priorities for libraries in multiple sl_customization.m files, only one takes effect. If you add the same menu item twice, it appears twice. To ensure that customizations load as expected, refresh the customizations as described in Read and Refresh Customization Files.

The sl_customization function accepts one argument: a handle to the customization manager object (cm).

function sl_customization(cm)

For more information, see Register Customizations with Simulink.

Edit the Customization File

In your sl_customization function, use customization manager object properties and methods specific to your application to register customizations. You can use customization properties and methods to:

Additional MathWorks® products use the customization manager object and the sl_customization.m file. Refer to the product documentation to learn about the methods and properties that apply to a product other than Simulink.

Read and Refresh Customization Files

The software reads the sl_customization.m file when Simulink starts. If you change the sl_customization.m file, either restart Simulink or enter this command to see the changes.


This command runs all sl_customization.m files on the MATLAB path and in the current folder. Running sl_refresh_customizations also results in these actions:

  • Rebuilding the Simulink Toolstrip

  • Rebuilding all Simulink Editor menus

  • Rebuilding the Library Browser menus and toolbars

  • Clearing the Library Browser cache and refreshing the Library Browser

  • Reloading the Viewers and Generators Manager data

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