Is it possible to customize the keyboard shortcuts in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) to reflect the key bindings used in MATLAB 7.8 (R20... - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central

Is it possible to customize the keyboard shortcuts in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) to reflect the key bindings used in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) or earlier releases?

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The keyboard shortcuts for the MATLAB Editor and the Command Window have changed in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b). I wish to revert back to the key bindings that I was using in earlier releases of MATLAB.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 4 Dec 2009
It is possible to customize the keyboard shortcuts in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b). Visit the following documentation page for more information regarding customizing keyboard shortcuts:
If you want to use the shortcuts that were the default on your platform in the earlier releases, it is possible to switch to those previous default shortcuts via the Keyboard Shortcuts Preference panel. To restore keyboard shortcuts those were the default before MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b):
1. Choose File > Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.
2. From the Active settings drop-down menu, choose R2009a Windows Default Set, R2009a Macintosh Default Set, or R2009a UNIX Default Set, depending on the platform on which MATLAB is installed.
If you did not use the default keyboard shortcuts previously and want to revert to exactly those shortcuts, it is possible to download the old non-default shortcuts from MATLAB Central and load them into the Keyboard Shortcuts preference panel. The non-default configurations of the MATLAB Editor and the Command Window can be downloaded from the MATLAB Central post titled "MATLAB Desktop R2009a Non-Default Keyboard Shortcut sets" available at the following Web link:
If you were using the default keyboard shortcuts of a platform other than on which MATLAB was installed, it is possible to download the old default shortcuts for all the platforms from MATLAB Central and load them into the Keyboard Shortcuts preference panel. The default configurations of the MATLAB Editor and the Command Window across different platforms can be downloaded from the MATLAB Central post titled "MATLAB Desktop R2009a Default Keyboard Shortcut sets" available at the following web-link:
Please visit the following documentation page for more information regarding choosing a set of keyboard shortcuts (after you have downloaded the files):

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