Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation (ALDVC)

Version 1.1 (151 MB) by Jin Yang
Adaptive Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation - volumetric displacement and strain measurement based on a hybrid local-global approach
Updated 9 Mar 2024
Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation (ALDVC): volumetric displacement and strain measurement based on a hybrid local-global approach. ALDVC is a fast, parallel-computing hybrid DVC algorithm, which combines advantages of local subset method (fast computation speed, and parallel computing) and finite-element-based global method (guarantee global kinematic compatibility and decrease noise).
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Reference paper:
For full details, and to use this code, please cite our paper:
Yang, J., Hazlett, L., Landauer, A., Franck, C. Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation. Experimental Mechanics, 2020 (
Or request full text at:
Code manual is available at:
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Advantages of ALDVC algorithm
[1] It’s a fast algorithm using distributed parallel computing.
[2] Global kinematic compatibility is added as a global constraint in the form of augmented Lagrangian, and solved using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers scheme.
[3] Both displacement fields and affine deformation gradients are correlated at the same time.
[4] No need of much manual experience about choosing displacement smoothing filters.
[5] Being able to compute image sequence with multiple image frames, which is especially quite useful for measuring very large deformations.
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% ****** ATTENTION ******
% The "x,y,z" or "1-,2-,3-" coordinates in the ALDVC code always correspond to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd indices of Matlab workspace variable. For example, p_meas(:,1) and p_meas(:,2) are the x- & y-coordinates of scattered points.
% This is a little different from some MATLAB image processing functions. % For example, if a 3D image has size MxNxL, in this code, we always have the image size_x=M, size_y=N, size_z=L. If you use some Matlab computer vision/image post-processing function, for example, 'imagesc3D', or 'imshow3D', or 'surf', it will reads size_x=N, size_y=M, size_z=L.
% Please pay attention to this difference.
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ALDVC example dataset
Contact and support
I appreciate your comments and ratings to help me keep improving this code! Please feel free to follow this code, then you will be notified with all the important updates/corrections in the future.
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[1] regularizeNd.

Cite As

Jin Yang (2024). Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation (ALDVC) (, GitHub. Retrieved .

Yang, J., Hazlett, L., Landauer, A., Franck, C. Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation. Experimental Mechanics, 2020 (

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2018a
Compatible with R2018a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

1. Dataset links have been updated. 2. Incremental mode has been added to track large DVC deformations.


Fix/improve the ROI crop issue in the initial guess section (code section 3). The MATLAB file exchange may need 1-2 days to update to the newest version. Please also follow our github repository:


Update code manual: add a section to describe the image pre-processing procedure to transform 3D image stacks to ALDVC input files.


Fix bugs in streamline plotting


Add "./DVC_images/GenerateVolMatfile.m" to transform 3D image stacks to volumetric matlab matfiles in ALDVC code; Add extensions to plot solved displacements and strains in body plot, cone plot, streamline, quiver plots.


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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.