Visualize Linear Algebra

Version (1.99 MB) by Isaac
Visualize matrix norms, SVD, and eigenvalues with a GUI!
Updated 19 Feb 2016

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MATLAB has a function called eigshow, which creates a GUI to help us "see" singular value decomposition and eigenvalue decomposition. The GUI is rudimentary, however.

I wrote my own to accompany a set of articles that I plan to write for my blog The source codes are available on GitHub, but I want to make them available to the MathWorks community also and get your feedback.

So far, my GUI helps you visualize three things:

1. Matrix norm
2. Singular value decomposition
3. Eigenvalue decomposition

The GUI feels great if you have touchscreen and move the vectors with your finger instead of a mouse. I designed my code to be modular, so I'm hoping to add more features in the near future.

Cite As

Isaac (2025). Visualize Linear Algebra (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Hi-res banner created.

I've fixed a bug (reference to a deleted object) that would happen when clicking on an empty screen after selecting New Workspace.
Formatted description.

Summary updated
Summary updated.
Summary updated.
Summary updated
Image uploaded.