grTheory - Graph Theory Toolbox

28 functions for different tasks of graph theory
Updated 30 Jan 2011

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GrTheory - Graph Theory Toolbox.
grBase - find all bases of digraph;
grCoBase - find all contrabases of digraph;
grCoCycleBasis - find all independent cut-sets for a connected graph;
grColEdge - solve the color problem for graph edges;
grColVer - solve the color problem for graph vertexes;
grComp - find all components of graph;
grCycleBasis - find all independent cycles for a connected graph;
grDecOrd - solve the problem about decomposition of the digraph to the sections with mutually accessed vertexes (strongly connected components);
grDistances - find the distances between any vertexes of graph;
grEccentricity - find the (weighted) eccentricity of all vertexes, radius, diameter, center vertexes and the periphery vertexes;
grIsEulerian - find the Eulerian cycle of graph;
grIsomorph - solve the problem about isomorphism for two graphs;
grMaxComSu - solve the maximal complete sugraph problem for the graph;
grMaxFlows - solve the maximal flow problem for the digraph;
grMaxMatch - solve the maximal matching problem for the graph;
grMaxStabSet - solve the maximal stable set problem for the graph;
grMinAbsEdgeSet - solve the minimal absorbant set problem for the graph edges;
grMinAbsVerSet - solve the minimal absorbant set problem for the graph vertexes;
grMinCutSet - solve the minimal cut-set problem for the digraph;
grMinEdgeCover - solve the minimal edge cover problem for the graph;
grMinSpanTree - solve the minimal spanning tree problem for the graph;
grMinVerCover - solve the minimal vertex cover problem for the graph;
grPERT - solve the project evaluation research task;
grPlot - draw the plot of the graph (digraph);
grShortPath - solve the shortest path problem for the digraph;
grShortVerPath - for digraph with weighted vertexes solve the problem about the path with minimal weight of verticies;
grTranClos - built the transitive closure for the digraph;
grTravSale - solve the nonsymmetrical traveling salesman problem;
grValidation - auxiliary function (the data validation);
grTheoryTest - test program for all functions.

Cite As

Sergii Iglin (2025). grTheory - Graph Theory Toolbox (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R14SP1
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

New function grShortVerPath is added.

Bugs in some functions for work with the isolated vertexes were corrected. Thanks to Marcin Eichner!

two new functions are added

A bug in grPlot is corrected.