Huygens-Fresnel integral approximation on the GPU

Simulate electromagnetic wave propagation through free-form apertures, or off rough surfaces. Speed up the computation by using the GPU.
Updated 23 Oct 2020

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A Matlab toolbox to simulate light propagation for monochromatic coherent light through free-form apertures and off rough/free-form surfaces by means of a numerical approximation of the Huygens-Fresnel integral.

Toolbox features are:
* GPGPU computing, using Nvidia graphics cards with CUDA
* fallback to CPU if no GPU is found
* rough surface generation via spatial frequency filters and
surface roughness determination z=f(fx,fy,Ra)
* free form surface generation z=f(x,y)
* arrangement of objects in 3D space coordinates (6 DOF)
* rectangular 3D grids, free form apertures via logical indexing
* artificial jitter, to reduce diffraction by the input grid
* the Huygens-Fresnel approximation
* memory management, job resume if pre-existing data is found
* some examples and visualizations

A theoretical background is given by:
Dominik Hofer, Bernhard G. Zagar, A numerical approximation of the Huygens-Fresnel integral – Simulations of a rough wetting problem, Measurement, Volume 46, Issue 8, October 2013, Pages 2828-2836, ISSN 0263-2241,

View readme.txt for more details.

Cite As

Dominik Hofer (2024). Huygens-Fresnel integral approximation on the GPU (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2010b
Compatible with R2010b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

switch from GPUMAT to the Parallel Processing Toolbox, use Matlab LaTeX interpreter und print() instead of MYMLF2PDF