
Quickly list the variables in the specified .MAT file.
Updated 10 Jun 2013

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Editor's Note: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

MATWHO is a MEX file wrapper around the MEX function 'matGetDir' provided in the 'MAT-File Library' by The MathWorks. It lists the variables stored in a .MAT file, similar to using the 'who' function with the location set to '-file', but much faster, particularly on large .MAT files. MATWHO does not support pattern matching on the variable names, it only returns the complete list of variables. It is equivalent to calling: c = who('-file','filename');

This function resulted from a discussion on comp.soft-sys.matlab.
My thanks to Friedrich and James Tursa for their contributions and feedback.

This function must be compiled prior to use. Once you've set up a mex compiler, this is done by calling:
mex matwho.c

I've successfully tested this function on both Linux (Ubuntu), Windows XP (32 bit), and Windows 7 (64 bit), but it should work on any system.

c = matwho('filename')

filename - Name of the '.mat' file to read.

c = Cell array of strings that correspond to each variable name.

Cite As

Benjamin Kraus (2025). matwho (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2011b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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