Moore-Neighbor Boundary Trace

Version (2.48 KB) by Joshua
Moore-Neighbor Tracing to provide the trace of an object's boundary in a binary image.
Updated 11 Jun 2013

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function boundary = traceit( input )
% This function uses Moore-Neighbor Tracing to provide an organized list of
% points in the trace of a boundary for an object in a binary image.
% The format of the output is:
% [ x1 y1 ]
% [ x2 y2 ]
% [ .. .. ]
% [ xn yn ]
% The input image provided should be a binary image. If the image is not
% binary, results can not be guaranteed.
% To visualize the results of this function, the following may be useful:
% boundary = traceit( input );
% imshow( input );
% hold on;
% plot( boundary( :, 1 ), boundary( :, 2 ), 'r' );
% hold off;
% If more than one connected object is present in the binary image, you'll
% need to modify the code to find an initial entry for each object. This
% was beyond the scope of my needs so I have not included that feature in
% this code.
% For a better explanation of the Moore-Neighbor Tracing algorithm, check
% out the following website: <a href="matlab:
% web('')">Image Processing Place</a>

% Pad the input image with a 1-px border.
binary = logical( input );
[ rows, columns ] = size( binary );
padded( rows + 2, columns + 2 ) = 0;
padded( 2 : rows + 1, 2 : columns + 1 ) = binary;

% Remove interior pixels with all 4-connected neighbors.
N = circshift( padded, [ 0 1 ] );
S = circshift( padded, [ 0 -1 ] );
E = circshift( padded, [ -1 0 ] );
W = circshift( padded, [ 1 0 ] );
boundary_image = padded - ( padded + N + S + E + W == 5 );

% To prevent reallocating boundary, we need to initialize it.
boundary_size = sum( boundary_image( : ) ) + 1;
boundary( boundary_size, 2 ) = 0;

% Scan for the first pixel, Left-to-Right & Top-to-Bottom.
for i = 1 : rows
for j = 1 : columns
if binary( i, j ) == 1
if binary( i, j ) == 1

% Set this pixel ( w/ padded offset ) as the initial entry point.
initial_entry = [ j, i ] + 1;

% Designate a directional offset array for search positions.
% [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]
% [ 1 ][ X ][ 5 ]
% [ 8 ][ 7 ][ 6 ]
% Column 1: x-axis offset // Column 2: y-axis offset
neighborhood = [ -1 0; -1 -1; 0 -1; 1 -1; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1; -1 1 ];
exit_direction = [ 7 7 1 1 3 3 5 5 ];

% Find the first point in the boundary, Moore-Neighbor of entry point.
for n = 1 : 8 % 8-connected neighborhood
c = initial_entry + neighborhood( n, : );
if padded( c( 2 ), c( 1 ) ) == 1
initial_position = c;

% Set next direction based on found pixel ( i.e. 3 -> 1).
initial_direction = exit_direction( n );

% Start the boundary set with this pixel.
boundary( 1, : ) = initial_position;

% Initialize variables for boundary search.
position = initial_position;
direction = initial_direction;
boundary_size = 1;

% Return a list of the ordered boundary pixels.
while true

% Find the next neighbor with a clockwise search.
for n = circshift( 1 : 8, [ 0, 1 - direction ] )
c = position + neighborhood( n, : );
if padded( c( 2 ), c( 1 ) ) == 1
position = c;

% Neighbor found, save its information.
direction = exit_direction( n );
boundary_size = boundary_size + 1;
boundary( boundary_size, : ) = position;

% Entered the initial pixel the same way twice, the end.
if all( position == initial_position ) &&...
( direction == initial_direction )

% Remove the offset caused by the padding.
boundary = boundary - 1;

Cite As

Joshua (2025). Moore-Neighbor Boundary Trace (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2013a
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Version Published Release Notes

Cleaned up some of the comments and improved array padding commands.