Intelligent Bin Picking in MATLAB® for Universal Robots

This MATLAB example shows how we can do Intelligent Bin picking with a Universal Robot UR Series Manipulators
Updated 19 May 2023

Intelligent Bin Picking in MATLAB® with Universal Robots UR5e Cobot for a semi-structured object distribution

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An Intelligent Bin Picking application consists of a perception algorithm to detect objects and a motion planning algorithm that creates the trajectory path of the robot to pick up the object. First the positions and orientations of the objects lying in the bin are identified from the Camera images using Deep Learning based Image processing capability from Computer Vision Toolbox. The calculated pose is then passed to motion-planning algorithm as an input which plans the path and the trajectory is generated for the Cobot to pick the objects from the bin and place it. Using the Robotics System Toolbox™ Support Package for Universal Robots UR Series Manipulators, you can establish ROS communication with Universal Robots manipulators and send the generated trajectory for the Cobot to pick up and place the objects at a destination location.

MathWorks Products (

Requires MATLAB® release R2022b or higher

Optional Products


Installation instructions

  1. MATLAB installation: Visit installation instructions webpage to get started with the MATLAB installation process.
  2. Support package installation: Before proceeding, ensure that the products mentioned under MathWorks Products above are installed. To install the Robotics System Toolbox Support Package for Universal Robots UR Series Manipulators, follow the steps mentioned here.


To learn how to communicate with UR Series cobots over ROS, see Getting Started with Connecting and Controlling a UR5e Cobot from Universal Robots.

If you want to use Intelligent Bin Picking on Universal Robot with Simulink® see the example Intelligent Bin Picking with Simulink for Universal Robots


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Copyright 2023 The MathWorks, Inc.

Cite As

MathWorks Robotics and Autonomous Systems Team (2025). Intelligent Bin Picking in MATLAB® for Universal Robots (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022b
Compatible with R2022b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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