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Ghost page

David on 2 Apr 2024 (Edited on 2 Apr 2024)
Latest activity Edit by Stephen23 on 2 Apr 2024

I feel like no one at UC San Diego knows this page, let alone this server, is still live. For the younger generation, this is what the whole internet used to look like :)
Stephen23 on 2 Apr 2024 (Edited on 2 Apr 2024)
"this is what the whole internet used to look like"
Nice. It just needs a garnish of a few strobing gifs, rotating text, and flash animation...
Chen Lin
Chen Lin on 2 Apr 2024
That's a treasure! How did you discover this page?
David on 2 Apr 2024
I simply did a search for MATLAB tips
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 2 Apr 2024
Wow! The links on the left are like a time machine to 1990s MATLAB code!
The question "How to plot a line with varying color?" targets the issue @Gregory Vernon raised in the Ideas discussion yesterday!

See Also