Mathworks: it's time for a dark theme.
Antonello Zito
on 14 Mar 2022
Latest activity Reply by Mike Croucher
on 13 Jan 2025 at 22:38
This is not a question, but a point of discussion for the entire community. I am aware that every 1/2 months this theme comes out, but until this is not fixed it is totally necessary that this comes, indeed, out. And I said "fix" because Mathworks has to understand that a dark theme is not only a visual/aesthetic matter, it is a substantial part of the game. Most of the OS, GUIs, programs are actually in dark mode, and a vast majority of the users makes indeed use of a global dark mode. How much one does like it is personal, but the benefits to power savings and eye health is instead a fact. Mathworks being ignoring this for years is nothing but ridiculous. Of course it is not an easy task, but every minute of committment for it is worthy. And nope, Schemer is not helpful because it does not provide a real fix to this question.
I feel free to suggest something similar to the Spyder's dark theme, which came out like 2 years ago if I remember correctly.
Of course, my point is not being disrespectful (I am instead very respectful to the huge efforts of Mathworks for making this wonderful program run). But, form a user's point of view, the fact that not a single word has so far come out from Mathworks about a dark theme (meaning that for sure we will not see it in a timing of months) requires us to put a strong pressure on this.
Mathworks, please: it's time for a dark theme.
It is done. The R2025a pre-release has just been made available and it supports Dark mode. Please take a look, try it out and give us feedback before the full release.
Using the Matlab Visual Studio Code extension you can transform VSCode into essentailly an IDE for Matlab code (.m files) and use VSCode's built-in dark theme.
A basic principle is "you must have it, but I can choose not to use it." Offering users the choice between light and dark modes is a fundamental aspect of a company's care and respect for its users. Clearly, MathWorks does not care about their users' feelings.
That is factually incorrect. You have a preference, and apparently that is shared by those around you.
I also prefer a dark theme, but at least I have the humility to know that my preference isn't universal truth.
Your claim that every single developer prefers it isn't actually proof. I personally know a dev who prefers dark mode for once language and light mode for another. So even if I take you literally, you're wrong.
@Douglas What a convincing argument. Now you've completely convinced me. /s
What exactly is the point of your comment? You don't explain in what sense a dark theme is better. There are rare cases where a dark theme is objectively better, but in the overwhelming majority of the cases it is simply preference.
Dark theme is better.
Dark Theme in MATLAB is here! It's in beta, but its here!
I prefer dark theme because I do programing at night. aside from the eye strain it is nice to be able to look away from the screen and stil see things in low light.
With that, it should be pointed out that dark theme should be an option not maditory. Your tesla would more acuratly be that antonello wants the right to have a tessla. Mathworks says here are the parts, put it together. That is a far cry from everyone must have it. It's that, for a well designed program, it's a little strange that a dark theme hasn't been made. Especialy considering that Matlab has been around for decades.
OLED is more expensive and does not last as long, so is the lower cost of running black pixels important over the lifetime of the product?
especially when a great deal (even if it is not the proven majority) of the userbase is asking for it.
Is "a great deal of the userbase" asking for it? Or is there just a fragment that is being very vocal about it?
the bright white light strains your eyes (I know it does mine) and inhibits your sleep later
The problem is not white light: the problem is blue light. . White light does include blue light, but Preferences -> MATLAB -> Colors -> MATLAB Colros PReferences -> Desktop tool colors. untick Use system colors and use a different background color. And set(groot, 'DefaultAxesColor', COLOR) so that you do not get white plot backgrounds. White light problem mostly solved.
I would also point out that if you are using MATLAB on your phone, that you would be using MATLAB Mobile, not MATLAB itself.
I think asking for proof for the arguments that started the thread is a bit of a weak defense argument.
Suppose that you lived in my city and you claimed that it was a "must have" for the city to convert all of its vehicles to Tesla, and you ranted about how much the city was letting down the residents by not already having switched to Tesla a few years ago. Would it really be so unreasonable for me to ask you to prove the "must" part? (I live in the second coldest "large" city in the world by the way.)
There actually is a cost to non-users of a feature: an engineer can only spend time once, so there is a limited number of features that can be implemented. Any feature you don't use still has to be created and might cause a feature you would have used from being created.
That being said, I am in favor of a proper dark mode. I just object to people crying wolf. If you have a medical reason (or even just a preference) for a dark background, you can already get most of the way there. So I just don't see why some people are acting as if they are being forced to stare right into a white on white screen at maximum brightness.
If you need to exaggerate your opinion, you are apparently not convinced it is that good of an argument.
wow, this was a fun read... and I mean the comments. I've been reading this kind of threads for years now and I too have been patiently and silently waiting for a dark mode. Why? Well, the quick answer is "because I like it". In the end, MATLAB, like most software out there, is a consumer-based product and "the consumer likes it" is more than enough reason to implement a feature. I must say the stubborness and close-mindedness of the MVPs that commented here is the thing that actually surprised me about this thread. And I mean no offense to them whatsoever. I've gotten so much help over the years reading their responses to several topics and I am really grateful. I do think, though, that a "if it's not broken, why fix it?" mentality is not what drives any kind of product forward, especially when a great deal (even if it is not the proven majority) of the userbase is asking for it. So I ask the skeptics: If the feature is there (for all those who do want it), how is that going to negatively affect you? I would think the answer is "in no way whatsoever". So, why push back against it?
Now, deepening a bit into the reasons for such a feature, I think asking for proof for the arguments that started the thread is a bit of a weak defense argument. Any quick internet search may yield different opinions about the topic regarding eye strain. But just think about you using your phone at night, or watching a movie late, even if you are not in bed, the bright white light strains your eyes (I know it does mine) and inhibits your sleep later. People then wonder why they suffer from insomnia. We've been using screens for less than a century so there's no way we have evolved to have such bright artificial lights in our faces day and night. Furthermore, many of the new screen technologies, such as AMOLED use less energy for darker colors, as developers explained early on with their "true-blacks". So that one is also a no-brainer.
Like I sad, no offense to anyone. On my side, I am still patiently waiting. In the meantime, I use schemer and I am happy working with it. But there is room for improvement in that front, and as a consumer, I would really like to see it implemented.
As someone who still stubbornly, spitefully expects apps to respond to GTK2 settings, I still gotta side with Rik. I was literally legally blind (20/400) and solved the problem without TMW needing to further reduce the app to an embedded web browser.
I have a hard time believing someone actually suffers from the light theme, but did not dig into the settings to adjust the colors to get fairly close to a dark theme. I just don't understand how those two things would go together.
100% my poor eyes are bleeding...
We (MathWorks) have removed the previous information in this Answer, origianlly posted by @Nicolai Lamp, because the instructions were about how to access the JSD software, which is still in beta stages, on our public site. If anyone wants more information about how to try out the JavaScript Desktop beta software, we'd love to engage with you directly. Please refer to @Michelle Hirsch's response below for information about how to participate in the beta.
Or you can sign up here and the team will reach out to you:
While setting up default colors is indeed a bit involved for the casual user, getting 90% of the way there by using Matlab Schemer takes very little time and very little skill. Otherwise it is as simple as opening the settings dialog and picking colors you like.
I said the same about voice control, its a gimmick that doesn't generally work well and definitely not a must have, however for people who are visually impaired, any kind of voice control is a must have. For accessibility, it is like having the bumps on the pavement at a traffic light (here in the UK), no use to me, but vital for someone else.
I think the same applies here. I'm mildly dyslexic and dark mode really does help my eyes. My brother has dyslexia far worse and he has to basically read everything that is black text on a white background wearing orange tinted glasses. This is not the case with dark mode apps, and this feature has helped him immensely.
@Jan "I'm still wondering, what the problem is. I wanted a dark view, so I've installed the dark theme from the file exchange. I've written a function to control default colours in my GUIs and diagrams, so I have full control over the style."
I think you've just highlighted the problem! While you have clearly set up a good solution, you and WR are Level 10, I'm sure it would take me and others a fair bit longer to get to this point, and quite honestly, while I love Matlab, I much prefer to spend my time learning DSP algorithms than messing around setting a dark mode theme on Matlab.
That's just my opinion though ...
I can reconsider, why you do not miss a dark theme. Working on a DEC_VT50 is comparable with running Matlab on a monochrome Apple iWatch.
I am not positive, but the first display I used might have been a DEC VT-50
@Walter Roberson: I agree.
I'm still wondering, what the problem is. I wanted a dark view, so I've installed the dark theme from the file exchange. I've written a function to control defaul colors in my GUIs and diagrams, so I have full control over the style. The only remain non-dark object is the border around the command window and editor and this does not hurt me.
And if I write a tool for controlling colors, I've implemented a flower, sad gray, a fresh green and a red hot chili theme also, so I had some fun.
I've started programming with an amber-on-black monitor in the 1980th. Therefore I do not think, that a dark-theme is a modern must-have, but just a fashion which I like.
I disagree with the fundamental premise that this is a "must have" feature, except perhaps as a disability accommodation. People are welcome to reply to my Answer with evidence (not just assertion) that the feature is indeed "must have".
For example feel free to present studies showing that on display technology in non-trivial use, that it saves appreciable amounts of electricity. (The amount of MATLAB code that is run on extremely specialized mixed analog and digital radar tracking station displays is surely near zero.)
Matlab is going to loose market share without hearing the customers voice related to a dark theme. This is indeed a must-have feature and nobody understands that Mathworks is ignoring this since years.
I will make it shorter: Yes, a full dark mode also encompassing the UI and the window frames is a must-have and a standard for any free software.
It depends on you to change the theme as you can do it in setting.
because in light theme eyes can gambling
Thank you so much for the update. Dark mode would be extremely beneficial as I work with MATLAB a lot.
UPDATE March 17, 2023: Try dark mode by installing the beta of the New Desktop for MATLAB, available for R2023a. Just search for New Desktop for MATLAB in the Add-On Explorer, or download and install from here on the File Exchange.
---------------------------- Original Answer from April 1, 2022 (no joke!) --------------------
Hey, it's Michelle Hirsch here. I'm the head of product management for MATLAB. The fancy title means I'm the one you can yell at or poke with a stick, because it's my job to make sure we are doing the best we can to meet your needs with MATLAB.
I'm sorry we've been so quiet on dark mode. I want to let you all know it's not for lack of focus on it. We've been well aware of escalating demand over the past many years from so many of you. This demand really ticked up when Mac and Windows integrated dark themes at the OS level. It is taking much longer for us to enable our full product stack than I had hoped.
There are a bunch of pieces to get in place (editor, graphics, apps, icons, desktop, ...) and you are seeing incremental signs of our progress along the way. One small step was control over Live Editor background color in 22a. Dark mode support in MATLAB Online in 22a represents a major step forward (from a technology perspective) with the desktop framework and icons in place.
We currently use two different technologies to build the MATLAB Online desktop and the desktop MATLAB desktop (how many times can I say desktop!), which is why the work we did for MATLAB Online isn't helping desktop MATLAB users yet. We are working furiosuly to move everything over to the technology used in MATLAB Online. Once we do, we'll get proper dark theme support in desktop MATLAB. This is a massive project with the potential to change aspects of how you use MATLAB, so we are proceeding carefully with lots of what we call "user acceptance testing" to make sure we are building something you all will love. We plan to make previews of this technology available to more and more users as we have increasing confidence that you'll love it. I can't put a firm release date on when this will be ready for every MATLAB user. We set release targets internally, but we only release software when it meets our quality and user acceptance standards.
I hope you'll accept my apology for our silence and for the insufficient progress. I'm trying to give you a "peek behind the curtain", not to make excuses. I know we are not meeting your expectations. I want to leave you with the confidence that a whole bunch of us at MathWorks are doing everything we can to get proper dark mode support in your hands as soon as we can.
I'd love your help if you are interested and willing. We will be looking pretty soon for users who would like to test out early versions of the new MATLAB desktop based on the MATLAB Online version. If you are interested, the easiest way is probably to send me an email. You can go through my MATLAB Central profile, or just email me directly at mhirsch at mathworks dot com. We are also looking for guidance from users on how dark mode should behave in MATLAB. It's not as obvious as you might think, especially when you consider plots and apps. One simple example: if you are just working interactively, you probably expect your plots to all have a dark background and appropriately light line colors. But if you are programmatically creating and exporting a bunch of plots, you probably want them to have "normal" light background and colors. We need to get our default behaviors right and give you the ability to override them if you want somethihng different. Feel free to share opinions here or drop me a line.
I disagree with the premises expressed. I use my computer and phone many hours per day, but dark mode is hard on my eyes, making my eyes work harder against astigmatism.
I don't know if there is anyone left still using a CRT display. LCD do not use more power for brighter colors.
In my opinion, Dark Theme is much more a fad preference than a "need". But...
- sure, some people do in fact prefer it; and
- people do frequently buy based on fads; and
- lack of dark theme is being used as an excuse by anti-MATLAB people, so take away the excuse to reduce their leverage.
A dark theme saves power on OLED screens only. I assume, that most computers run Matlab with LCD screens, which do not profit from a dark mode. So the saving of energy is no hard argument.
I'm using a dark mode of Windws and let Scott C. Lowe's Schemer define dark colors for the command window and editor. My figures for diagrams and GUIs are controlled by a self-developped tool to manage colors, so the background and colormap can be chosen freely for all of my applications. This works since Matlab 6.5 reliably.
I do not have the need for any further tools to modify the darkness of Matlab. There are some light boxes e.g. in Matlab's preferences, but I do not use them in the daily work, so this does not bother me.
Is a dark theme different from just setting the color preferences to black background and white text?
As of release R2022a you can select a dark or light theme in MATLAB Online. See the Release Notes for more information.