What MATLAB tools or functions have you been thinking about making but haven't quite gotten around to it?
It can be something specific to your work if you'd like, but it's preferably:
- the kind of tool or task that we don't really expect in the next MATLAB release (ie., not a frequent entry in a MATLAB wishlist)
- something that would be useful to you and (hopefully) others if it existed.
- something that could conceivably be made by people(s) in the user community
Think of it maybe as a file exchange wishlist.
Votes for good ideas . I guess you'll get more votes if it's an idea others want to see made as well.
Probably no single accepted answer, but it would be nice to see what people have thought about and maybe we can bring a few ideas to fruition (or find that someone's already done it)
For example:
- I've been wanting to write an object-oriented replacement for the NURBS toolbox which is a great toolbox but is very unwieldy to use.
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It's not exactly a grand project, but ...
A set of tools for drawing 2D lines/shapes in a raster image (independent of IPT/CVT). My thought was that the core would be a generalized polyline/polygon mask generator with configurable linewidth, miters/endcaps, antialiasing, and fill. The rest of the tools can be extensions to create regular polygons and superellipses.
Figuring out efficient antialiased variable-width mitered polylines was my stumbing block. Wasting time on the forum is just a lot easier.
How about a user interface editor? They thing they call GUIDE is so primitive it's unbelievable. Eventhey admit it. They've been promising a new one since 2006 but since the only thing they added in that time (8 years) was the table control, I've come to not expect it in the forseeable future.
I also am keeping a wish list with dozens of items that I share privately with the Mathworks. They sometimes do do some of the items on the list.
A triangulation3d class which would basically inherit the standard triangulation class, but add useful features specifically for a 3d volumes such as:
- volume, area, centroid measurements
- intriangulation/ontriangulation to query if points are in the volume (well, I've started that part)
- boolean union/subtraction/intersection with other triangulation3d objects
- intersection with lines/planes
- smoothing/reducing of triangles
It would be useful (ie, efficient) here if MATLAB allowed us read access to the internal of triangulation, but I've got a start on this class built
Write my own version of imshow (from the Image Processing Toolbox) so I have it under control and don't get unexpected things happening.
One such thing on my list is a "graphics component" (e.g. uicontrol, uipushtool, axes etc.) state tool.
It would allow you to add a button to your user interfaces that allows a user to change any property of the user interface, e.g. colors, font types, etc. using inspect(). These states would persist across uses of the application. It's already straight forward enough to do in GUIDE (just save the figure), but this would be focused more on programmatic applications where there is no stored figure.
Index of the release in which each routine appeared or disappeared.