Poll is CLOSED
What is your favorite type of puzzle?
Word (Crossword , Wordle, etc.)
Numerical (Sudoku, math, etc.)
Brain teaser, logic
Jigsaw, picture, finding/matching
Wooden, metal, or other mechanical
Other type (comment below)
4398 votes
Sudoku is not a numerical puzzle. Any set of 9 unique symbols could be used, such as a through i. Children's versions use pictures instead of numerals.
I tend to favor word puzzles, but will always love computer games of the Half Life/Portal variety, which I would describe as interactive brain teasers with generous portions of dark humor and violence mixed in.
I absolutely hate puzzles... I even hate it when I have to route traces on a PCB for my hobbies.
Anyone else have the dillema of choosing between: the type of puzzle you're good at (satisfiying & solves quickly) vs the type of puzzle that challenges you (but you're dreadful at solving)?
Those with a logical path/solution. I don't really like those that are like "try every way until you find one that works", but do like "x therefore y" puzzles.
Chess puzzles
I'm normally not a big fan of puzzles, but every now and then I do like a bit of an intellectual challenge.

I hate to boast, but I'm getting pretty good at it.
Tetanor! (from times newspaper every so often - they don't currently publish one every day). Hardest mathematical number puzzle I have ever found published in a national newspaper. I like to tackle it with pen and paper alone. The fiendish level most certainly is.
i will forever be a picross fan .