Introducing Scratch Pad in Cody


Introducing Scratch Pad in Cody

Santosh Kasula on 12 Apr 2021 (Edited on 26 Apr 2021)
Latest activity Reply by Ethel on 19 Jul 2022

We are introducing Scratch Pad in Cody to support iterative problem solving. Scratch Pad will enable you to build your solution line-by-line, experiment with different MATLAB functions, and test your solution before submitting.

Try it out and let us know what you think.

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Ethel on 19 Jul 2022
Could you add a button to display the whole suite in the old format This would make it easier to check everything before submitting.
Yutaka Yamada
Yutaka Yamada on 28 May 2021

This is great! Now I don't need to open Matlab to test my code.

Are Mjaavatten
Are Mjaavatten on 22 Apr 2021

The scratchpad is fine, but I have a problem with the splitting of the test suite into separate code snippets. With many tests (which is good!) rechecking all tests every time I make a modification to my code is quite cumbersome. Could you add a button to display the whole suite in the old format? This would make it easier to check everything before submitting.

Santosh Kasula
Santosh Kasula on 22 Apr 2021

@Are - Did you try submitting? When you submit, if the tests fail, the page keeps you on the same page. There is no change in behavior and test run times. It is just displayed better.

Are Mjaavatten
Are Mjaavatten on 22 Apr 2021

Call me vain, but I just hate submitting lots of failed solutions.

Santosh Kasula
Santosh Kasula on 22 Apr 2021 (Edited on 22 Apr 2021)

Fair enough. We will look into a way to facilitate the workflow. In the long run, we are planning to enable iterating through the solution in MATLAB Desktop or Online. That should address your use case while providing richness of MATLAB IDE.

Nikolaos Nikolaou
Nikolaos Nikolaou on 14 Apr 2021

Someone grew tired from all my wrong test solutions :)

David on 13 Apr 2021

Ned just posted about the feature on the Community blog here: Cody News: Test That Code Before You Submit It!

Rik on 12 Apr 2021 (Edited on 12 Apr 2021)

There should be a test suite (e.g. loaded dynamically from the FEX) that runs before any other test is run. That way it should be easier to filter most of the fileread, str2num, and regexprep hacks. If you maintain it on GitHub, people can even suggest modifications to that test suite.

Without that, every update to Cody (however nice or needed) is just sugar coating. I like seeing some changes for Cody, and I hope this is a sign to expect the score hacks to be made more difficult soon.

Santosh Kasula
Santosh Kasula on 13 Apr 2021

@Rik - Thank you for your suggestion. We are working on few ideas to limit some of these hacks.

goc3 on 12 Apr 2021

This is a great feature that simplifies Cody usage and makes the process of solving problems more efficient. I'm also excited about support for graphical output!

Santosh Kasula
Manager for Learning Applications Team @ MathWorks. Professional Interests: MATLAB, Java, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and other web technologies.
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