

Some Foreign Matlab forums

Jan on 23 Feb 2011
Latest activity Edit by Sini on 5 Jul 2024 at 6:16

Which Matlab related forums and newsgroups do you use beside MATLAB Answers? Which languages do they use? Which advantages and unique features do they have?
Do you think that these forums complement or compete against MathWorks and its communication platform?
Actually all answers are accepted.
Maria Merin Antony
Maria Merin Antony on 2 Jul 2024 at 4:41
Query on the matlab function
I am Maria.
I need to use the radialdistribution function2D. this uses a histogram function which is not available now.
I am not able to find the URL.
Please help out to find the URL and code.
kuete on 1 Jul 2024 at 21:00

So many questions in my head about MATLAB 😮‍💨.is there a video on YouTube that can detailly clarified everything thing about MATLAB subscription,toolbox, simulink etc

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jul 2024 at 21:11
That would have to be a very long video !!!
kuete on 1 Jul 2024 at 20:58

In the case of some apps like codeblock we have different projects plans in the same app like AMR,console application etc but in the case of matlab this project plans instead depends on your career. Deos this means that someone doing data analysis will have a MATLAB different from someone doing robotics?

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jul 2024 at 21:15
No, it is the same MATLAB, but possibly different toolboxes (and possibly different licenses depending on circumstances)
kuete on 1 Jul 2024 at 20:51 (Edited on 1 Jul 2024 at 20:55)

Hi Pls I'm about to buy MATLAB for personal use but I noticed that there are so many options to choose like the license options(we have standard, student etc). So, here my questions comes -deos this different license options the what the standard license the home license turns to have it too?

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jul 2024 at 21:13
No, the Home License is only available as a "Perpetual" single-user license.
Yusuf Suer Erdem
Yusuf Suer Erdem on 2 Jul 2021
You are right, here I get answers for my questions very rapidly.
Jan on 30 Jun 2021
@Yusuf Suer Erdem: I know a forum, which had a working interface with syntax highlighting many years before Matlab Answers got this feature. Clicking on a command in a code section opens its documentation automatically. I'm still impeded by the auto-completion here, when the interface tries to be smarter than me. There are some experiences Matlab users and staff member in the other forum also, to be exact: 2 staff members and the number 4 of the top all-time contributors of Matlab Answers.
The new feature of Answers, that allows to run code in the forum's interface, is marvelous. The traffic here is high and therefore the time until an expert answers is really good.
CSSM died. What a pity. Due to the lack of moderation I've learned many offending words there.
Yusuf Suer Erdem
Yusuf Suer Erdem on 30 Jun 2021
For my point of view, Matlab's own forum does lots of good stuff. We can consider the main Matlab community as a tree and the other forums could be its branches. But yeah I may say that other forums could make contributions. As a conclusion they can not compete with Matlab's own community. Because of many benefits of Matlab's forum like experienced people, staff members, entry histories and everything.
Aurelien Queffurust
Aurelien Queffurust on 19 Jul 2011
The French MATLAB Forum is alive for more 6 years I believe. Only French language is allowed.
Some nice Features:
Forum divided in 4 parts :
  1. forum for MATLAB and other Toolboxs (Simulink , Compiler , Neural ...)
  2. forum for questions related to Image Processing
  3. questions related to Guide
  4. questions related to Signal Processing
and it is moderated by some MATLAB French gurus .;) Moderators can edit , remove , send yellow or red cards to the MATLAB user !
There is also a system of points when you answer questions . You get some new status (confirmed, expert ...) and stars if you are pro-active.
Another funny thing is more you share info about you (date of birth , first name ) more you win points. If you accept to subscribe to the newsletters of DVP you also win points ...
Aurelien Queffurust
Aurelien Queffurust on 20 Jul 2011
Hi Jan,
Most of my answers contain an hyperlink to the official technical solution of TMW. My idea is to show that the MATLAB user can find himself the solution by searching in the support web page ;) In this specific case , English is allowed.
Jan on 19 Jul 2011
Thanks for this answer. And thanks for the meta-information, that someone reads old threads.
You get point for publishing the date of birth?! I do not see the scientific use for this, but I remember, that the date of birth is useful, if you want to hijack an Ebay account. Offering points for information which decreases the privacy level has a limited fun factor.
If only French language is allowed, is it forbidden to cite the original documentation? ;-)
Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer on 13 May 2011
Hi Jan,
there is something similar to "Answers" in German: If you click on "Forum", you'll see the different topics. Quite active.
Jan on 13 May 2011
@Titus: goMatlab is one of the most active Matlab forums after CSSM and Answers. Therefore I've mentioned it already.
I'm fascinated by the peculiar differences between question in goMatlab and MATLAB Answers: While the majority of German speaking beginners seem to transfer variables to functions by ASSIGNIN and EVALIN (and suffer from the resulting difficulties), this does rarely appear here. On the other hand, questions concerning "any((0:0.1:1.0) == 0.3)" do appear in Answers and CSSM only.
Strange. I did not expect, that using input and output arguments or floating point arithmetics is depends on national or cultural effects.
Jan on 25 Feb 2011
Thanks for your answers. I've voted all contributions.
Jan on 23 Feb 2011
I'm reading and posting in CSSM, because it is active during the whole day. The large number of participants and some very sophisticated members are a guarantee to get an answer even for complicated questions.
I'm using the FEX: 10% of the software found there have a professional quality and solve even the strangest desires. (But of course this is not a foreign, but a TMW service)
I'm posting in the German goMatlab forum. On one hand I can articulate much faster and more secure in my native language. It is very convenient that you can embed pictures, LaTeX formulas, formatted and high-lighted source code in the posts. You can attach files and the threads are sorted to different categories. There are more basic homework questions than in CSSM and some pupils and students are overstrained by the English documentation - "read the Getting Started section" or "help plot" is not a useful answer then...
I really like undocumentedMatlab, because it helps to squeeze more than the allowed power out of Matlab.
Blinkdagger has died.
I think, that these forums are a great support for Matlab-users and in consequence for MathWorks also. I was surprised to hear the argument in a discussion, that such non-TMW services are a concurrency. I understand, that e.g. an Iranian website, which offers RapidShare links to download Matlab, is not welcome. But as far as I can see this is a rare exception and the majority of services support the Matlab community in a way, which increaes the number of sold licenses at the same time.
I've seen French questions here and in CSSM and wondered if there is a french forum also. I Like Aurelien's blog, although my French is very limited. And can anybody tell me about the Chinese forum One of the most downloaded FEX submissionsis a Spanish tutorial - is there a Spanish Matlab community also?
K E on 14 Mar 2012
For the linguistically limited (me), open in Google Chrome to get an automatic translation. and both offer a dedicated Simulink forum, which is my present focus. If I wanted to post I could go to , formulate my question into German, and paste it in. Drawback of automatic translation: 'Unfortunately I'm not programmatically by the masterful straight times.' Which does capture my present Simulink abilities!
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 23 Feb 2011
I can confirm this Chinese forum being very active. I researched about Spanish forums about a year ago, but could not find good content. The MATLAB part from is quite good.
Jiro Doke
Jiro Doke on 23 Feb 2011
When I was in graduate school, I used to use CSSM almost every day. I haven't been there lately. Now, I peruse MATLAB Answers daily.
There's also a MATLAB group on Facebook, and people ask some questions. But many of the questions are the kind that would get scolded on this forum, e.g. "Plz send me speech recognition code. URGENT! Thnx"
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 23 Feb 2011
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 23 Feb 2011
I only use the mathworks answers and newsgroup, have no time or patience for more, soon I might also stop going to the newsgroup because some questions are in both places.
There's no advantage of having other forums if this one works properly, also by having more active users the quality of the answers is often better.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Feb 2011
I'm having trouble keeping up with both Answers and cssm. Maybe after my temporary burst of Real Life that is interfering ;-)
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 23 Feb 2011
LinkedIn has a "MATLAB Users and Integrators" group, but it's not very active. As with other LinkedIn sites, it has more to do with jobs than MATLAB. There is a discussion section. The questions tend to be a bit broader than on MATLAB Answers, and at least a third are ads for sites like Undocumented MATLAB.
Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 23 Feb 2011
I have on occasion visited Stack Overflow, but the MATLAB traffic there is pretty slow. It is in English.
Sini on 5 Jul 2024 at 6:06 (Edited on 5 Jul 2024 at 6:16)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Mar 2012
An observation I have made over time, but not as a statement of absolute limitation: in my experience, it is quite uncommon to be able to take someone with a modern Computer Science degree and make them into a decent science / engineering programmer, but it is not uncommon to be able to take someone with a math or science or engineering background and make them in to a science / engineering programmer who gets the job done.
I took a very mixed load, Math and Science and Computer Science simultaneously. Most years there were no students in that concentration at all; there were a total of 3 in my year. 150 pure CS people over the same time, but it was rare for them to take a science course voluntarily. They just didn't, just weren't interested. And not many CS students gained that kind of interest after graduation.
K E on 8 Mar 2012
But so useful if a problem reaches beyond just Mathworks products. I wish Matlab Answers (mostly self taught scientists/engineers) was part of Stack Overflow (mostly professional programmers) since I think the Matlab community could benefit from some best practices from the programming world.
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 23 Feb 2011
I only use the mathworks answers and newsgroup, have no time or patience for more, soon I might also stop going to the newsgroup because some questions are in both places.
There's no advantage of having other forums if this one works properly, also by having more active users the quality of the answers is often better.
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 23 Feb 2011
Well, there's - aaah, what's the use if my answer won't be accepted.

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