Question from "Software Defined Radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the RTL-SDR"


Question from "Software Defined Radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the RTL-SDR"

Harry Lippy on 10 Mar 2021
Latest activity Reply by Harry Lippy on 10 Mar 2021

Hi, MathWorks / MATLAB / Simulink community! I have recently started working my way through the book mentioned in the topic, and I am wondering if anybody out there would be interested and have time to help me review some of my work on the exercises. Specifically, I'm currently working "Exercise 7.9 - Challenge: Design of a Type 2 PLL" and I am not convinced that my implementation is correct, but I'm having some trouble with debugging.

Is anyone interested and have time to review my implementation and give some feedback? I'd definitely appreciate it.


Shaun Lippy Middleburg, VA, USA

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Jiro Doke
Jiro Doke on 10 Mar 2021


You may have a better chance getting a response if you ask your question on MATLAB Answers. When you do, please include the details of your question, i.e. the issue you are having (including sample code or model), what you expect the answer to be, what you have tried.

Harry Lippy
Harry Lippy on 10 Mar 2021

Will do - thanks, Jiro!

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