
Save an Image from MATLAB Grader

IFM on 23 Sep 2020
Latest activity Reply by Jeff Alderson on 23 Sep 2020

I get students to create some figures in MATLAB Grader. Is there anyway the students can save the figure on their computer? I have tried savefig and that doesn't seem to do anything.

Jeff Alderson
Jeff Alderson on 23 Sep 2020

Since MATLAB Grader is a web-based application, all output from plots and figures is rendered in the browser page as images. The only way to save an image, in this case, is to right click and save the image using your browser. An example of what this looks like in Chrome is included below.

IFM on 23 Sep 2020

This was my first thought, and I was sure I had done this in the past. However, when I click on Save As, the only format available is webpage. It is not being recognised as an image, I think because the img element is nested in a media gallery/slideshow widget.

Jeff Alderson
Jeff Alderson on 23 Sep 2020

I now see what you mean. I will take a note of this to look into providing other options to interact with image output natively in MATLAB Grader.

However, you may want to explore one of the many images download Chrome extensions that would allow you do get the set of images that are displayed on the page. I have not tested these myself, but as an example, this would appear to work for allowing the download of all figure outputs.

 < Image Downloader>