Setting Initial Conditions in Transmission Line block in Simulink and Simscape


Setting Initial Conditions in Transmission Line block in Simulink and Simscape

Tamal Sarkar on 27 Jan 2020
Latest activity Reply by Tamal Sarkar on 28 Jan 2020


I am trying to design a Simulink model for transmission cable to characterize some features of an existing electrical system. I am using the Lumped Parameter L-section with few segments. I want to set initial conditions to each segment capacitors. Is there a way I can set those?

Thanks in Advance.

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Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel on 28 Jan 2020

Hello Tamal,

unfortunately, direct access to the capacitor voltages is not available.

As an alternative, you could use operating points to set states: Simscape Operating Points

or, since the number of segments is small, you could build your own library block with access to each capacitor's initial conditions.



Tamal Sarkar
Tamal Sarkar on 28 Jan 2020

Hi Joel,

Thanks for your response. It seems that I have to use operating points to set states. I will definitely look into it.



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