New to MatLAB - Get data from AD, is possible?


New to MatLAB - Get data from AD, is possible?

Jonis Maurin Ceará on 14 Nov 2019
Latest activity Edit by yegi seo on 25 Nov 2019

Hi. I'm new to matlab. I'm a hobbyst, not a company or anything like this. I brought MATLAB personal with some modules and I'll use to learn FPGA with ZedBoard + AD9361. I know that this board (both) are supported by simulink and I'll test/learn using simulink and block-design. My plan is to make an FM transmitter (for start) when my boards arrive (already brought, still waiting delivery). After that, my plan is to make an receiver and then, do the same receiver, but using another frontend (including ADC). So my question is: imagine that I have plugged in another ADC into my ZedBoard (let's say AD9226), is possible to read this ADC in simulink, like AD9361 does? If yes, how? Where can I find any article or tutorial about this?

Even further: if I want to generate HDL code in the future (using HDL Coder), how can I integrate this 'custom' AD for code generation?

PS: I know that I can't buy HDL Coder for personal. My plan is to use trial for testing, since I'm using just for learning.

Thank you.

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yegi seo
yegi seo on 25 Nov 2019 (Edited on 25 Nov 2019)

Visiting this website and reading all the peers' views on the topic of this article is both amazing and eager to gain familiarity.iixis Thank you very much really marvelous.

Tony Lennon
Tony Lennon on 14 Nov 2019 (Edited on 14 Nov 2019)

Hello Jonis,

Please, in order to reach a broader audience, would you post your question on our MATLAB Answers site?

Jonis Maurin Ceará
Jonis Maurin Ceará on 14 Nov 2019

Tks, done.

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