Numerical calculation error

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Numerical calculation error

Nicholas on 12 Sep 2024
Latest activity Reply by Nicholas on 12 Sep 2024

%I encountered the following problem in the calculation: 1. The calculated H is negative, %and I am unsure if the calculation is correct. Some formulas cannot be simplified and still %exist in the form of 5000/51166. 3. Poor overall code fluency
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%% 参数定义parameter definition
P = 42;
c = 800;
E = 15000000;
K = 1.8;
P_ya = 18000;
F = 2;
y = 26.8;
R = 20; % radius
syms H B
% 计算破裂角 a Calculate the rupture angle
if K <= 0.5
a = 90;
elseif K <= 1
a = -90 * K + 135;
elseif K <= 3
a = -22.5 * K + 67.5;
a = 0;
% 显示计算得到的 a 的值
disp(['当 K = ', num2str(K), ' 时,破裂角 a = ', num2str(a), '°']);
%% 求解初始破裂角相关量 Solving the initial rupture angle related quantities
L = H + R * (1 - sind(a));
G_1 = (y * L^2) / (2 * tand(B)); % 三角形块体的自重
p = atan2(tand(P), F); % 折减后的内摩擦角
C = c * L; % 竖直面上粘聚力合力
C_s = c * L / (F * sind(B)); % 破裂面上粘聚力合力
G_0 = 2 * y * H * cosd(a);
z = 0.9 * P; % 按照围岩等级取值,三级围岩取0.9
%% 定义目标函数 E(B) Define the objective function E (B)
%E_func = @(B) (y ./ (2 .* tand(B))) .* sind(B + p) ./ cosd(B + p - z);
E_func=@(B) (cosd(B+p).*sind(B)).*cosd(B).*cosd(B+p-z)+sind(B+p).*sind(B).*(sind(B+p-z).*cosd(B)+cosd(B+p-z).*sind(B));
%% 数值求导函数 Numerical derivative function
% 使用中心差分法计算导数
dE_func = @(B) (E_func(B + 1e-6) - E_func(B - 1e-6)) / (2e-6);
%% 数值寻找导数为零的 B 值
% 只寻找一个接近的 B 值
B_range = [0, 90]; % B 的取值范围
B_init = 45; % 初始猜测值,设置为 45 度
% 使用 fzero 寻找导数为零的 B 值
B_zero = fzero(dE_func, B_init);
% 检查找到的 B 值是否满足条件
if abs(dE_func(B_zero)) < 1e-6
disp(['找到满足条件的 B 值为:', num2str(B_zero)]);
disp('没有找到导数接近零的 B 值');
disp('fzero 计算失败,未找到满足条件的 B 值');
%% 计算埋深 Calculate burial depth
f1 = ((G_1 - C) .* sind(p + B_zero) + C_s .* cosd(p)) ./ cosd(B_zero + p - z);
f2 = (P_ya - G_0 - 2 .* C) / (2 * sind(z));
% 定义控制方程,解出 H
eqn = f1 - f2 == 0;
% 使用 solve 反解出 H
sol_H_sym = solve(eqn, H);
% 将符号解转换为具体的数值
sol_H_num = double(subs(sol_H_sym));
% 显示结果
disp(['解出的 H 的值为:', num2str(sol_H_num)]);

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Nicholas on 12 Sep 2024
help me! thanks you!
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