How to convert the number of seconds from an epoch into UTC using the datetime function.

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I am struggling to convert the number of seconds from an epoch (1980-01-06 GPS epoch) into UTC using the datetime function. The following commands give me a time of 18-Mar-2021 20:37:31, however in UTC this should be 18-Mar-2021 20:37:13 since I would need to subtract out the number of leap seconds from the total (currently there are 18 leap seconds since the 1980-01-06 GPS epoch).
Can the datetime function automatically account for leapseconds in this conversion? I tried using the 'TimeZone','UTCLeapSeconds' name/value pair, but this adds 18 seconds since it assumes the time is already in UTC.

Accepted Answer

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 2 Aug 2021
Matthew, this is easier than you think. In MATLAB, 'TimeZone','UTC' is sort of a ficticious timeline that pretends that leaps seconds don't exist (because hardly anyone wants to actually account for leap seconds). 'UTCLeapSeconds' is the timeline that knows all about leap seconds. The GPS timeline (in the real world) ticks off the same leap seconds as 'UTCLeapSeconds' in MATLAB does, it just doesn't treat them specially. So for the purposes of arithmetic, i.e. elapsed time, 'UTCLeapSeconds' is what you want. Then all you have to do is change to 'UTC' (or not, it's up to you).
>> epoch = datetime(1980,1,6,'TimeZone','UTCLeapSeconds')
epoch =
>> dtUTC = epoch + seconds(1300135051)
dtUTC =
>> dtUTC.TimeZone = 'UTC'
dtUTC =
18-Mar-2021 20:37:13
Also, this Answer might be helpful:
If I may ask, I would be interested in hearing more about how you work with GPS timestamps. Do you always get "seconds since 1980" as your input? Do you need to work with "week number, seconds within week"? Do you need to work with "human readable timestamps" (e.g. 18-Mar-2021 20:37:31) that refer to the GPS timeline (as opposed to UTC)? Do you need to convert back to one of those GPS time formats? Thanks in advance for anything you are able to share.
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 25 Nov 2024
James, you are mixing apples and oranges. "UTCLeapSeconds" represents the real-world timeline that official UTC clocks follow, including counting leap seconds. "UTC" is a ficticious timeline that makes life less painful for the overwhelming majority of people who do not want to complicate their life with leap seconds.
2016-12-31T23:59:60.500Z does not exist on the ficticious "UTC" timeline. If I want to convert that to "UTC", should it map to 23:59:59.5 on that timeline, or to 00:00:0.5 on the next day? I would argue that the former creates fewer problems because it does not change the date, and I guess you would argue that since POSIX defines the POSIX time during a leap second as the 0th second of the next day, that's how the conversion should work. But the real answer is that there is no answer. It can't possibly be a lossless conversion.
dtutc2 = datetime(1970,1,1,'TimeZone','UTC') + seconds(posixtime(dtgps2))
adds an elapsed time that was calculated under "UTCLeapSeconds" to a "UTC" datetime. They should not be mixed, and it's going to lead to inconsistencies.
It seems like maybe the underlying issue is that UTCLeapSeconds only supports the ISO display format, and you'd like more flexibility, so you are partially using "UTC", and partially "UTCLeapSeconds".
James Tursa
James Tursa on 26 Nov 2024
@Peter Perkins I am not trying to get into an argument here about what MATLAB should do in this lossy conversion. I prefer consistency among other MATLAB functions such as posixtime, and you prefer to keep the date the same. OK, fine. But that's not my point. My point is the user should be aware of what datetime does during this conversion and offer a different formulation so they can choose the behavior they want if needed. That's all.

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More Answers (2)

Matthew Casiano
Matthew Casiano on 31 Jul 2021
Since there is a leapseconds table included in Matlab, there is a workaround to obtain the cumalative number of leap seconds. This can then be subtracted off of the total number of seconds from an epoch.
% Determine the number of leap seconds since the 06-Jan-1980 GPS epoch by using a Matlab-defined timetable array called 'leapseconds'.
TimeTableLeapSeconds=leapseconds; % Matlab-defined timetable array of leap seconds information
CurrentDateTime=char(datetime('now')); % converts the current time to a character array
DateTimeRange = timerange('06-Jan-1980 00:00:00',CurrentDateTime); % creates a timerange object with the desired time range
[tf, whichrows]=containsrange(TimeTableLeapSeconds,DateTimeRange); % determines which rows of the leap seconds timetable are within the time range
AllRowsRange=TimeTableLeapSeconds(whichrows,1); % selects the first column of all rows in the range which is a timetable containing the leap second sign
AllLeapSecondSignsRange=char(AllRowsRange.Type); % convert timetable array to character array containing all the leap second signs within the time range
AllLeapSecondsRange=str2double(AllLeapSecondSignsRange+"1"); % append '1' to the sign and create a numeric array with all the leap seconds within the time range
CumLeapSecondAdj=sum(AllLeapSecondsRange); % sum contents of the numeric array producting the cumulative leap second adjustment

Sarthak on 13 Mar 2024
function date = gps2utc(g0, g1)
date = datevec(datetime(g0*604800+g1,'convertfrom','epochtime','Epoch','1980-01-06'));


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