Percentile calculation along time
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Dear all,
I have a time series analysis in which i should calculate its percentiles.
Let me explain:
I have 5 matrices (A,B,C,D,E) in which each one of them corresponds to a determined sound pressure level (spl) calculate along 5 seconds. This means that matrix A corresponds to the spl at the second 1, matrix B corresponds to the spl at the second 2, matrix C corresponds to the spl at the second 3, etc, etc;
All matrices are 3000x3000 size that corresponds to the coordinates of the spl in space.
So, now I would like to calculate the percentile of the combination of all of these along the time.
I've been using prctile(A,50) for example, but it gives me a matrix 1x3000 which is not what I want, since I need to plot the percentile in a map, in which each point corresponds to a specific coordinate.
Thanks in advance for your help,
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