How to create a log-file with "", that the "Appliciation Compiler App" creates with "Create log file" under "Additional runtime settings"
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i try to replace the workaround for building standalone applications with the "Application Compiler App" with the command "" using 2021a.
Everything works fine, except the Logfile that contains the same information that you can see in the command shell window, while executing the final application.
Usually the "Appliciation Compiler App" creates that log-file with checking "Create log file" under "Additional runtime settings".
How can i present that function to the
For example something link this:
buildResults =,...
'OutputDir' ,ExeFile_Link ,'ExecutableName',ExeFile_Datei,'Verbose','On', ...
Answers (1)
Erik Newton
on 3 Dec 2024
This doesn't appear to be a supported option as of R2024b.
What I did as a workaround is to use the diary command at the start of my application. This has the added benefit of being run-time selectable; I have a logfilename setting in my config file.
This works for me in R2022b on Windows 10 Enterprise, but hasn't for other people/versions:
See Also
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