Arrange data based on filenames
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I have many thousand files whose data I would like to arrange in an array in a particular way based on their filenames. Each file is named as XpYt_alwayssame.csv, where X and Y are numbers in a known range and the "_alwayssame.csv" part is always the same. My goal is to put the data (one number per file) into an array that is the length(X) by length(Y). Here's a bit of code to make this clearer:
files = dir([path '*alwayssame*']);
names = {};
% I think there's a way to use the following, but I can't quite figure out how to sort it in two directions, once for X and once for Y.
[~,id] = sort(str2double(regexp(names,'\d*(?=p)','match','once'))); % I think this would order according to X, but not Y
If it helps, X = -5:0.1:9 and Y = 3.5:0.1:10.2, so the files will be named using those numbers where X and Y are. So I'd like the (1,1) entry to correspond to X = -5 and Y = 3.5, then (1,2) would be X = -5 and Y = 3.6, (2,1) would be X = -4.9 and Y = 3.5, etc. Thanks!
Image Analyst
on 3 Nov 2020
Do X and Y always have one number to the right of the decimal point (even if it's a zero)? Please give us an actual typical filename.
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