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How to insert an image in a uifigure

21 views (last 30 days)
Hello, i use matlab r2018a,
I want to put an image above a checkbox for the user to chose from.
i create an uifigure and then i use an uicheckbox but i need to find a way to put a picture aboce the checkbox. I have a problem and i cant use uiimage because i need an upgraded version. So using matlabr2018a is there a way i can insert the image into the uifigure?

Accepted Answer

Monisha Nalluru
Monisha Nalluru on 30 Oct 2020
You can display the image in uifigure by having uiaxes as image parent.
As an example
imagedata= imread('image.png');
image(imagedata, "Parent", ax);
Using the uiaxes Position property you can specify the position of image above checkbox.
Hope this helps!

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