How to Change Marker Shape for Each Line in the Graph?
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I need to change the marker shape for each line in the graph. Example (Square, tringle, plus...etc).
The excel sheet is attached.
clear all]
close all
color=[ [0, 0.4470, 0.7410];[0, 0, 1];[0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980];[0, 0.5, 0];[0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250];[1, 0, 0];[0.4940, 0.1840, 0.5560];[0, 0.75, 0.75];[0.4660, 0.6740, 0.1880];[0.75, 0, 0.75];[0.3010, 0.7450, 0.9330];[0.75, 0.75, 0];[0.6350, 0.0780, 0.1840];[0.25, 0.25, 0.25] ];
Case_Name={'Re= 5x10^4','Re= 1x10^5','Re= 5x10^5','Re= 1x10^6'};
for i=1:2:size(data,1)
plot(data(i+1,:),data(i,:),'-d','MarkerEdge',color(i,:),'MarkerFace',color(i,:),'MarkerSize',8, 'LineWidth',2)
hold on
hold off
xlabel('Drag Coefficient (C_d)','FontSize', font)
ylabel('Lift Coefficient (C_l)','FontSize', font)
legend(Case_Name,'FontSize', font);
grid on;

Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 23 Jun 2020
Markers = '*+.<>^dhopsvx';
nMarkers = length(Markers);
for i=1:2:size(data,1)
midx = 1 + mod((i+1)/2 - 1, nMarkers); %cycle through them
plot(data(i+1,:), data(i,:), 'LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', Markers(midx), 'MarkerEdge', color(i,:), 'MarkerFace', color(i,:), 'MarkerSize', 8, 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on
This code does not do exactly what you asked for, in that it cycles through all the available markers, so markers would repeat every 13th row. MATLAB does not offer any way to create new markers, so to go beyond 13 of them, you would have to do something like use the File Exchange contribution that permits using arbitrary patches as markers. Use text() where you want the markers; you might be able to get up to a few hundred distinguishable markers that way.
Walter Roberson
on 25 Jun 2020
The circles are coming from your line
plot(data(i+1,:),data(i,:),'-o','MarkerEdge',color(i,:),'MarkerFace',color(i,:),'MarkerSize',9, 'LineWidth',2)
Kamilu Sanusi
on 1 May 2023
@Walter Roberson, Please what could be the problem with this synthax
Walter Roberson
on 2 May 2023
I just noticed that in one case you pzplot() and in the other case you pzmap() . That is going to affect the code. In particular, you can record the output of pzplot() and it is a line handle directly, without needing to search for it, and also pzplot() does accept a line specification.
Kamilu Sanusi
on 2 May 2023
@Walter Roberson thank you so much for the assistance. I later changed to pzmap and it still generate error with few poles plotted.
I think pzplot could be better
h = pzplot(sys1,LineSpec1,...,sysN,LineSpecN) sets the line style, marker type, and color for the plot of each system. All systems must have the same number of inputs and outputs to use this syntax.
Ta1 = 24; Ta2 = 27; Ta3= 20;
H11 = -0.0641; H12 = 0.0359;
H21 = 0.1176; H22 = -0.2057;
H31 = 0.2077; H32 = 0.1961;
for D = [0 4]
A = [0 0 1 0 -1;0 0 0 1 -1;(-H11/Ta1) (-H12/Ta1) (-D/Ta1) 0 0;...
(-H21/Ta2) (-H22/Ta2) 0 (-D/Ta2) 0;(-H31/Ta3) (-H32/Ta3) 0 0 (-D/Ta3)];
Eig = eig(A);
a = Eig(1,1);
b = Eig(2,1);
c = Eig(3,1);
d = Eig(4,1);
e = Eig(5,1);
s = tf('s');
T = (1)/((s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)*(s-d)*(s-e));
P = pole(T);
if D == 0
pzplot(T, 'Marker','d', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on
if D == 4
pzplot(T, 'Marker','p', 'MarkerSize', 18, 'LineWidth', 2) ;
% hold on
% if D == 7
% pzmap(T);
% end
grid on
See Also
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