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How to insert a degree symbol in matlab using input function?

37 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to inser a degree symbol in my input but I have tried char(), ^{\circ}, and none of them works.
For example, my input is:
a = input('If your initial temperature is 25... C, then what is your final temperature? ');
the space in between 25 and C indicates the degree symbol but I don't know how to insert it. Please help :/
Thank you

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 9 Apr 2020
I would just use ALT+0176. I did that here and it seems to work:
a = input('If your initial temperature is 25° C, then what is your final temperature? ');
Another option:
inpstr = sprintf('If your initial temperature is 25%c C, then what is your final temperature? ', char(0176));
a = input(inpstr)
Both of these workd when I ran them (R2020a).

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