system with time delay

3 views (last 30 days)
Chokri Sendi
Chokri Sendi on 20 Sep 2019
Commented: Chokri Sendi on 24 Sep 2019
I would like to know if there is a command in Matlab to extract matrices of system with time delay, I have a nominal system :
x_dot = A(t)*x(t)+B(t)*u(t)
I would like to simulate the system with time delay t_x and t_u as :
x_dot = A(t)*x(t)+B(t)*u(t) + A_d*x(t-t_x)+B_d(t)*u(t-t_u)
then extract the matrices A_d(t), B_d(t) to use them to design a controller.
your help is appreciated.

Answers (1)

thoughtGarden on 20 Sep 2019
Edited: thoughtGarden on 20 Sep 2019
This answer has been updated to better match the OP.
doc ss %search for "InternalDelay" and "OutputDelay"
% Define Delays
t_x = 0.005;
t_u = 0.001;
% Fill in your system matrix here
A = [1,0; 0, 1];
B = [0; 0.5];
C = [1, 0];
D = 0;
% Create the no delay system
sys =ss(A,B,C,D,'InputDelay',t_x,'OutputDelay',t_u);
thoughtGarden on 24 Sep 2019
If you found this answer to be correct, please accept it. Otherwise, please add aditional comments so that it may be improved.
Chokri Sendi
Chokri Sendi on 24 Sep 2019
Thank you for your reply, I still dont see how I can use
" sys =ss(A,B,C,D,'InputDelay',t_x,'OutputDelay',t_u),
to write the system as:
x_dot = A(t)*x(t)+B(t)*u(t) + A_d*x(t-t_x)+B_d(t)*u(t-t_u)
in other word since A and B are known how I can find A_d and B_d from "sys" that I just created .

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