(App Designer) Callback for an ROI event does not work
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Marek Svoboda
on 19 Aug 2019
Commented: Marek Svoboda
on 25 Aug 2019
I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this out, so now is time to ask for help -
In App Designer, I have been trying to set up a callback triggered by changing a position of an ROI line in a (standard, not UI) axes object
function startupFcn(app)
app.ax = axes(app.Panel, 'Title', [], 'XLabel', [], 'YLabel', [], 'Color', 'none','YColor', 'none', 'Xlim', [0 1.5], 'YTick', [], 'XTick', [0 0.5 1 1.5], 'TickDir', 'both', 'TickLength', [0.03 0.035], 'XMinorTick', 'on', 'Units', 'pixels','Position', [8 30 284 0]);
app.ax.Toolbar.Visible = 'off';
app.line1 = drawline(app.ax,'Position',[app.RMP_t1 0; app.RMP_t2 0]);
addlistener(app.line1, 'Position', 'ROIMoved', @line1Moved);
app.UIFigure.WindowState = 'maximized';
However, I get the following error:
Error using images.roi.Line/addlistener
Event 'ROIMoved' is not defined for class 'images.roi.Line'.
According to the documentation on images.roi.Line class, this should be a valid event name. By the way, when I remove the 'Position' argument, the app runs without errors but the callback (@line1Moved) doesn't do anything.
1 Comment
Jyotsna Talluri
on 22 Aug 2019
The error is due to 'Position' argument and its not due to 'ROIMoved' as addlistener creates listener for given event triggered by callback function on the object.It cannot take 'Position' as argument.
If your function 'line1Moved' is correct then that should work fine.Can your provide your 'line1Moved' function so that I can check
Accepted Answer
Marek Svoboda
on 22 Aug 2019
Jyotsna Talluri
on 25 Aug 2019
That implies 'varargin' is argument to the function handle,which means it takes any number of inputs.The function 'l1Moving' can be called with any numer of input arguments
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