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Can I run a bat file with Matlab?

192 views (last 30 days)
Jorge on 27 Jan 2011
Edited: Nagendra on 22 Aug 2024 at 11:20
Hi! I have a bat file created to kill process:
taskkill /IM excel.exe
Can I run it with Matlab?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Sep 2017
Waldemar Gessler
Waldemar Gessler on 12 Nov 2019
or without bat file:
system('taskkill /IM excel.exe')

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Jan 2011
You can use system() or dos() or ! (exclamation-mark) to run a bat file.
  1 Comment
Nagendra on 22 Aug 2024 at 11:20
Edited: Nagendra on 22 Aug 2024 at 11:20
Perfect, thank you

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More Answers (5)

Vieniava on 27 Jan 2011
use this command:
Matlab's documentation for this function is available after
>> doc system
or on the WEB

Jorge on 27 Jan 2011
I got the result I wanted. Thank you very much to both

Koteswar Rao  Jerripothula
Koteswar Rao Jerripothula on 31 Jan 2014
thank from me too

Victor Villar
Victor Villar on 3 Jul 2014
Very useful.

Babak babak
Babak babak on 24 Jul 2017
Hi, guys when I use system or status for my batch file, it does not make outputs like when I double click on my batch file!
>> system('D:\CODE\workshop\MCNP\bab.bat','-echo')
C:\WINDOWS\system32>mcnp i=kc.i
ans =
when I double clike on my batch file, it makes for me 3 outputs.
Babak babak
Babak babak on 24 Jul 2017
thank you again. I really try to solve it but unfortunately, I couldn't. I have copies 0f Mcnp, bab.bat and kc.i files in Matlab root, D:\CODE\workshop\MCNP\bab.bat and in C:\WINDOWS\system32 but it does not work. My batch file:
mcnp i=kc.i
and I use this code for my batch file too
mcnp i=kc.i
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\mcnp" i=kc.i
the answer:
>> [status, result] = system('C:\Windows\System32\bab.bat')
status =
result =
C:\WINDOWS\system32>mcnp i=kc.i
mcnp ver=2.6.0 ld=Wed Apr 09 08:00:00 MST 2008 07/25/17 01:36:59
bad trouble in mcnp in routine exemes
input file kc.i does not exist.
why Matlab try to run it in "WINDOWS\system32"?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Jul 2017
Your bat file has a cd in it

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