stand alone matlab .exe cannot call functions successfully

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I designed a GUI and called some functions defined in CVX software package.(I have already installed the CVX software package). When running the .m file, the functions could be called successfully. However, if converting the .m file into .exe, something went wrong, showing: Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object. error cvx_global (line 76) error cvxprob (line 4) error cvx_begin (line 41) Line 76 of cvx_global.m is: osolvers = cvx___.solvers.list;
How can the problem be solved?
Rik on 9 Oct 2023
@liheng You should contact the authors of CVX.
Failing that, you should provide a more complete description. There is a reason this question did not receive an answer. Have a read here and here. It will greatly improve your chances of getting an answer.
yitong on 8 Oct 2024
请问 这个问题有进展了吗 我也遇到相同问题

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