reversible matrix operation

3 views (last 30 days)
Peter on 16 May 2012
I am debugging my cfd code and I am checking the validity of my matrices.
I have created a finite difference laplacian matrix in cylindrical coordinates, L. I expect if I take the laplacian of a field, and then multiply by the inverse of the laplacian matrix I should be able to return the exact field that I had before. However, for some reason this is not happening. Basically I am performing the following operations.
L*A = B; C = L\B-A;
I expect that C should equal zero, but it doesn't.
I attached some code showing my problem. Can someone explain what is going wrong?
function [pdiff] = ptest()
AR = 1;
nx = 10;
ny = 20;
lx = 1;
ly = 1;
x = linspace(0,lx,nx+1); hx = lx/nx;
y = linspace(0,ly,ny+1); hy = ly/ny;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(y,x);
pcordr = avg(avg(X')');
pcordz = avg(avg(Y')');
rp = ones(ny,1)*avg(y); rp = rp';
pcenter = pcordr.^2.*pcordz.^2;
plong = reshape(pcenter,[],1);
% % Laplacian matrix
Lp = AR*kron(speye(ny),K1(nx,hx,1))+(1/AR)*kron(K1(ny,hy,1),speye(nx))+...
% Test for reverse operations
pfield = Lp*plong;
pdiff = Lp\pfield - plong;
function A = K1(n,h,a11)
% a11: Neumann=1, Dirichlet=2, Dirichlet mid=3;
A = spdiags([-1 a11 0;ones(n-2,1)*[-1 2 -1];0 a11 -1],-1:1,n,n)'/h^2;
function A = Kp1(n,h)
% a11: Neumann=1, Dirichlet=2, Dirichlet mid=3;
A = spdiags([-1 1 0;ones(n-2,1)*[-1 0 1];0 -1 1],-1:1,n,n)'/(h*2);
function B = avg(A,k)
if nargin<2, k = 1; end
if size(A,1)==1, A = A'; end
if k<2, B = (A(2:end,:)+A(1:end-1,:))/2; else, B = avg(A,k-1); end
if size(A,2)==1, B = B'; end

Answers (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 May 2012
The output that results, C: is it on the order of 1e-16 times the largest (absolute value) input? If so then you are observing round-off error.
Peter on 16 May 2012
no, its considerably larger
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 May 2012
In my experimentation, the largest I have found has been less than the largest of max(eps(A*x)), max(eps(A)), max(eps(x))

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Richard Brown
Richard Brown on 16 May 2012
Your code doesn't run for me -- first, I don't have a function avg - did you mean to use mean?
Second, if I replace all occurences of avg with mean, the line defining the Laplacian doesn't work - in particular you can't do
as your function Kp1 defines a matrix and 1./rp is a vector ...

Richard Brown
Richard Brown on 16 May 2012
Your Laplacian matrix is not full rank. Because your system is consistent, you have multiple solutions, and you're just getting one of them when you do Lp \ pfield
Unfortunately because your matrix Lp is sparse, you don't see the usual warning message about the matrix being badly scaled or singular ...


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