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How to write exponential function that accepts vectors ?

29 views (last 30 days)
o, say I want to write a function 's' for e^(10x) * e^(cosx)
function value=s(x)
value=exp(10*x)*exp(cos(x)) ;
this will only accept scalars. What if I wanted it to accept matrix & vector too? I know expm will allow matrix, but when I do s([1 2 4]) it spits out an error: Expected input to be a square matrix.
So, how can I have the same effect as ".^" with an exponential?

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Feb 2018
You have to use Vectorization (link) to do element-wise operations to use it with arrays.
Try this:
value = @(x) exp(10*x).*exp(cos(x));


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