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How to vectorize this function?

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Quinten Lodewijks
Quinten Lodewijks on 17 Mar 2017
Edited: Quinten Lodewijks on 9 Jul 2019
i'm new to matlab so this could have a really easy solution but a google search didn't solve my question.
this is the function:
function [angle]= give_angle(position)
if position <= -2 && position > -4
angle = 11.31;
angle = 0;
now if "position" would be a vector lets say: position = -2:0.1:2 it gives the error: Operands to the and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
I tried to replace && with & but then this error comes up: Output argument "angle" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "give_angle".
All help will be appreciated!

Answers (1)

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 17 Mar 2017
Hello Quinten, a standard way to do this is to make a vector of zeros the same length as 'position', then make a logical index vector of 1's and 0's for whether the condition is met or not, then change the angle when the condition is met.
angle = zeros(size(position)); % automatically satisfies 'not met' condition
ind = position <= -2 & position > -4;
angle(ind) = 11.31;
  1 Comment
Quinten Lodewijks
Quinten Lodewijks on 18 Mar 2017
okay i get what you are saying, however i didn't post the full code as i thought it wasn't necessary.
but in the full code there are more condition: not only: if position <= -2 && position > -4
but also: elseif position > -2 && position < 0
and also: elseif position > 0 && position < 2

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