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matlab different datacursormode for each subplot

2 views (last 30 days)
I want to plot 2 figures by using subplot
subplot 211 subplot 212
but I'd like to use different cursormode each subplot211 and subplot 212
for example For subplot 211, If I pick datacursormode, then data(X:-,Y:-,text:-) would be shown like this.
Theother subplot 212, If I pick datacursor, then the other data(X:-, K:-) should be shown.
I have no idea how to control each subplot using datacursormde
Please let me know good tip to solve this problem.

Answers (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Nov 2016
Unfortunately datacursormode is a figure property. Your code would have to figure out which subplot the cursor was over and change the output string as appropriate.

Jasper van Casteren
Jasper van Casteren on 22 Nov 2018
I use
fig = figure;
ax1 = subplot(whatever);
ax2 = subplot(whatever);
datacursor = datacursormode(fig);
% MyFunc must be an embedded function to know ax1 and ax2
function MyFunc(Target, evtObj)
if Target.Parent==ax1

Spencer Rhodes
Spencer Rhodes on 18 Jun 2019
Another way to do it:
set(datacursormode(gcf),'UpdateFcn',@(~,evt) timeheight_cursor_update(evt,AH1))
where AH1 is the axis handle of the subplot I want the cursor update function to be used in.
My timeheight_cursor_update function is then this:
function [txt] = timeheight_cursor_update(evt,varargin)
%TIMEHEIGHT_CURSOR_UPDATE Useful when wanting to inspect a time-height plot
%and see the actual dates/times instead of just the Matlab datenums.
% evt: The event struct for the cursor click which holds the Target
% and Position.
% varargin: If using subplots, can provide the one axis you want this
% update function to apply to. If you click the cursor in
% any other subplot, it won't return.
if length(varargin) == 1
% check if looking at provided axis
if varargin{1} == evt.Target
% good to go
elseif isobject(varargin{1}) ...
&& ismember('Children',properties(varargin{1})) ...
&& varargin{1}.Children == evt.Target
% also good to go
return; % cursor must be in a different axis, use default txt
pos = get(evt, 'Position');
txt = {['Time: ' datestr(pos(1))], ...
sprintf('Height: %.2f', pos(2))};
I'm not sure how to return Matlab's default tooltip, still looking into that. But at least this is a bit more elegant than what Jasper suggested, and you don't need a nested function, so it works in a script.


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