can anyone suggest me how to convert binary value to gray code value??

48 views (last 30 days)
i would also like to know if you can provide me with the reverse conversion code of gray to binary value...thank you in advance.. :)

Answers (2)

Guillaume on 29 Apr 2016
The wikipedia article gives a very simple algorithm. I'm not sure what the difficulty is in converting it to matlab:
function num = GrayToBinary(num)
mask = bitshift(num, -1);
while mask > 0
num = bitxor(num, mask);
mask = bitshift(mask, -1);

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Apr 2016
In the Communications Systems Toolbox:
Convert positive integers into corresponding Gray-encoded integers
Syntax y = bin2gray(x,modulation,M) [y,map] = bin2gray(x,modulation,M)
Description y = bin2gray(x,modulation,M) generates a Gray-encoded vector or matrix output y with the same dimensions as its input parameter x. x can be a scalar, vector, or matrix. modulation is the modulation type and must be a string equal to 'qam', 'pam', 'fsk', 'dpsk', or 'psk'. M is the modulation order that can be an integer power of 2.
Rezaur Rahman
Rezaur Rahman on 29 Apr 2016
please do give the will be a great help for me...and i dnt understand why the modulation is needed for the conversion...anyways, thanx... :)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Apr 2016
I don't have that toolbox. If you do, then in the help there is nearly always example code. You can ask for a trial version for a month if you want. It's free for a month. Good luck.

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