Function running in batch() cannot find .mat file that is in MATLAB path

2 views (last 30 days)
I am attempting to run a function file in a batch, and the batch has no problem finding all the additional functions in the folder that has been added to the MATLAB path, but it can't find a .mat file in the same folder and load it, even when I specify 'AdditionalPaths' when calling the batch(). Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a work-around that will allow me to load a .mat file in the batch()?
Andrew Harris
Andrew Harris on 12 Aug 2015
Edited: Andrew Harris on 12 Aug 2015
Just the local cluster, but you clued me in to a possible source of the error: I didn't explicitly define the param-value pair 'Profile', 'local'. Let's see if that fixes it.
Sadly, no joy.

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Accepted Answer

Andrew Harris
Andrew Harris on 12 Aug 2015
It turns out that the 'AdditionalPaths' value can't just be the pathdef value, it must explicitly define the path on which the file resides. Hope this helps someone in the future.

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