MATLAB from command line - Cannot find script in the current direcoty

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Hi, I just installed Matlab on a Linux machine that doesn't have the X server. Therefore I launch matlab using the -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash options to run it from command line.
I can correctly launch commands from the "command windows", but it seams to not find any script. Here is an example:
>> dir
. .. test.m
>> ls
>> which test.m
>> pwd
>> test.m
Undefined variable "test" or function "test.m".
The script "test.m" is there. Both dis, ls and which can see it. However Matlab returns the "Undefined function" error when i try to run it.
I tried to change the permissions of test.m to allow execution from anyone (chmod 777 test.m), but this didn't work.

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 17 Jul 2015
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 17 Jul 2015
Don't add the extension. Just type
  1 Comment
Luca Amerio
Luca Amerio on 17 Jul 2015
How stupid...
I'm so used to launch through the "Run" button that I missed this. Thank you very much.

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