- Try using the Signal lines between different subsystem.
- If you do not want to use signal lines then, Data Store Memory read and write blocks can be used.
How can GoTo module transversing the enable system reports
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When I use the GoTo module to transmit variables to the enable system, the following error occurs:
error:Goto/From connections cannot cross nonvirtual subsystem boundaries. The only exception is when a goto is connected to a state output port
error:Invalid connection starts with 'WindFarmDFIGPhasorModel/Measurements/Goto1'
error:Invalid connection ends with 'WindFarmDFIGPhasorModel/Wind Turbine Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (Phasor Type)/Generator & Converters/Control/wind_dfig_rotor/Subsystem1/From1'
The scope of GoTo is set to global, but I still can't find a way to make GoTo traverse the enable module.
Answers (1)
Ashutosh Thakur
on 18 Jul 2024
The error message states that it is not recommended to use Goto blocks with Non Virtual subsystems such as Triggered and Enabled subsystem. The Goto and From connections cannot cross between Non Virtual subsystem.
Setting the scope of a Goto block to global means it can be accessed from anywhere in the model, but it still cannot cross nonvirtual subsystem boundaries.
Instead of using Goto blocks, you can use following ways:
Following example will help in understaning the approach using Data Store Memory blocks:
This MATLAB answer discuss similar approach to this issue:
I hope this helps you!
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