Can someone give me a simple example about how to use the uibutton 'state' property?
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Hello guys!
I am creating an application with a Play/Stop button. I know I have to use uibutton and use the property state which returns 1 when the button is pressed and 0 when is not pressed. How can I detect when the value of 'state' changes? For instance, if the button is pressed, I want to display: 'The button has been pressed' and when the button is pressed again, I want to display: 'The button is not pressed.' How do you do this in Matlab? This will help me implement what I need for my app.
Thank you in advance for your attention and help!
Accepted Answer
on 23 Jun 2023
Edited: Aman
on 23 Jun 2023
Hi Miguel,
Here’s an example code that demonstrates how to create a toggle button with a callback function that displays the appropriate message when the button is pressed:
% Create a figure window
fig = uifigure;
% Create a toggle button and set its callback function
myButton = uibutton(fig,'state','Text','Play/Stop',...
'Position',[20 20 100 50],'ValueChangedFcn',@myButtonCallback);
function myButtonCallback(hObject,eventdata)
if hObject.Value == 1
disp('The button has been pressed')
disp('The button is not pressed')
In this example code, we define a function called myButtonCallback which is used as a callback function for a toggle button object. The toggle button object is created using the uibutton function with the 'state' property set to 'on'. The toggle button object is assigned a callback function using the 'ValueChangedFcn' property of the object. When the button is pressed, the callback function is executed.
The if statement in the callback function checks the value of the 'Value' property of the toggle button object. If the value is 1, it displays the message 'The button has been pressed'. If the value is 0, it displays the message 'The button is not pressed'.
Hope this helps!
More Answers (1)
on 23 Jun 2023
You can use a simple "PushButton" or "ToggleButton". Here's an example of how to do this with a ToggleButton in MATLAB:
First, you'll need to create a figure, then create a toggle button on that figure and set the callback function.
% Create figure
f = figure('Position',[200,200,400,150]);
% Create toggle button
toggleButton = uicontrol('Style','togglebutton',...
'Callback', @toggleButtonCallback); % Callback function
Next, you'll want to define the callback function for when the button state changes. When a ToggleButton is pressed, it's 'Value' property changes - 1 if it's pressed and 0 if it's not.
% Define the callback function
function toggleButtonCallback(source,eventdata)
switch source.Value
case 0
disp('The button is not pressed.')
case 1
disp('The button has been pressed.')
In the callback function, we check the value of the 'Value' property and display a different message depending on whether the button is pressed or not.
When the user interacts with the toggle button, MATLAB automatically calls the toggleButtonCallback function with two arguments:
- A handle to the object (in this case, the toggle button) that is triggering the callback.
- An event data structure that contains information about the triggering event.
In our case, we don't need to use the event data structure, so we just use the handle (source) to check the Value property of the toggle button.
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