how to extract double value from a string?

22 views (last 30 days)
I been trying to figure our how to extract certain numbers from a string with this layout:
D:\MATLAB\noise_check\bilder\Image_230217_1227_Temp_ 42,75.png"
I want to extract the value 42.75 from it. Any ideas how I can do this?
I tried this but it gives me NaN as result:
V = str2double(regexp(fullFileNames,'\d+','match'))
This gives error "Error using sscanf, first argument mustnbe a text scalar".
d = sscanf(fullFileNames, '%d %d %d')

Accepted Answer

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 17 Feb 2023
Moved: Star Strider on 17 Feb 2023
"I tried this but it gives me NaN as result: "
Does it? Let's check -
str = "D:\MATLAB\noise_check\bilder\Image_230217_1227_Temp_ 42,75.png";
V = str2double(regexp(str,'\d+','match'))
V = 1×4
230217 1227 42 75
out = str2double(replace(regexp(str, '\d+,\d+', 'match'),',','.'))
out = 42.7500
  1 Comment
Happy PhD
Happy PhD on 17 Feb 2023
Edited: Happy PhD on 17 Feb 2023
My strings are an cell array so maybe thats why it doesn't work.

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More Answers (1)

Luca Ferro
Luca Ferro on 17 Feb 2023
Edited: Luca Ferro on 17 Feb 2023
assuming the string is always formatted as such you could just:
s='D:\MATLAB\noise_check\bilder\Image_230217_1227_Temp_ 42,75.png'
numS2D=replace(numS(',','.'); %necessary since the conversion to double needs . and not ,
VBBV on 17 Feb 2023
s='D:\MATLAB\noise_check\bilder\Image_230217_1227_Temp_ 42,75.png'
s = 'D:\MATLAB\noise_check\bilder\Image_230217_1227_Temp_ 42,75.png'
numS = '42,75'
numS2D=replace(numS,',','.'); % may be you mean this
numD = 42.7500
Luca Ferro
Luca Ferro on 17 Feb 2023
yep, typo. Thanks for the correction

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