how to solve white light interferometer interference equation when white light is used.

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I want to solve an interference equation which is in the form of numerical integration and below are some variables with values
bandwidth range : 11.4 to 14.3
bandwidth range (k) : 11.4 to 14.3
z: means the position so at each z position we have to calculate 'I'. we can use linspace for ramge of z.
I want to plot 'I' wrt 'z'
Below is the link of paper for reference.

Accepted Answer

Rangesh on 9 Oct 2023
Hello Ankit,
I understand that you would like to plot the interference function, which is a function of z. Below is the provided sample code to integrate the function:
z = 1:20;
I = zeros(size(z));
% In the given code, we iterate over the values of z and calculate the double integral
% of the specified function for each z value. The results are stored in the array I.
for i = 1:numel(z)
fun = @(k, theta) z(i) ./ (k + theta);
I(i) = integral2(fun, 0, 1, 0, 1);
%Finally, plotting the interference values against the corresponding z values
ylabel('Interference (I)');
title('Interference vs. z');
Attached the link on the function “intergral2” for your reference:
I hope this resolves your query.
  1 Comment
Ankit Raway
Ankit Raway on 10 Oct 2023
Hello Rangesh , I already solved this one but really thanks for providing solution to it , I think your way is much more better than mine because I just used for loops for summation and discretized it.
Anyways do you use linkedln so that we can connect and discuss

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