How to convert txt into mat

18 views (last 30 days)
Slawomir Machaj
Slawomir Machaj on 8 Jun 2022
Answered: VINAYAK LUHA on 8 Jun 2022
I've got a problem with conversion txt into mat.
I have tried using this code:
M = csvread('C:\Users\gieni\Desktop\Dane01.txt');
but it gives out just one collumn instead of 3 as in txt file.
One of the problems, as i expect is collums are divided only by tab(i mean ' ').
I have no clue how to make it right. Another thing, I'd like to multiply every data from first and 2nd collumn by 1.43, but i couldn't even make it work with 3 collumns, so i haven't started with it yet.

Answers (1)

VINAYAK LUHA on 8 Jun 2022
As per Mathworks this documentation csvread is not recommended and readmatrix should be used instead.

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