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How can I append table to csv file?

15 views (last 30 days)
Okan DÜZYEL on 2 Jun 2022
Commented: melanie becker on 24 Aug 2023
I am dealing with appending problem with csv file. Briefly, I have images those come from with for loop. Every iteration I find something in image and create a new table that contains string and numerical data, but I can't merge it to csv file for every iteration. How can I do it?
Getting that error:
Undefined function 'real' for input arguments of type 'table'.
Error in dlmwrite (line 163)
str = sprintf('%.*g%+.*gi',precn,real(m(i,j)),precn,imag(m(i,j)));
Error in challenge (line 84)
My code like this:
folder = 'Downloads/challenge/';
filePattern = fullfile(folder, '*.png');
srcFiles = dir(filePattern)
numFiles = length(srcFiles)
if numFiles == 0
message = sprintf('There are no png files are in folder:\n%s', folder);
fprintf('There are %d files in %s:\n', numFiles, folder);
for k = 1 : numFiles
fprintf(' %s\n', srcFiles(k).name);
image = uint8(imread(srcFiles(k).name));
[T,EM] = graythresh(image);
BW = imbinarize(image,0.3);
[Ctrs,Radi] = imfindcircles(BW(:,:,1), [11 20],'ObjectPolarity','dark', 'Sensitivity',0.925);
h = viscircles(Ctrs,Radi);
T = array2table(Ctrs);
S = srcFiles(k).name(1:end-4);
T{:,'NewColumn'} = S;
clear T;
clear fid;
clear Radi;
clear Ctrs;
clear image;
clearvars -global

Answers (1)

MJFcoNaN on 2 Jun 2022
dlmwrite cannot deal with table, but take numetric matrix or cell, such as [1 2 3] or {1,2,3}.
You may take the values of T directly, for example
PS: Since R2019a, "dlmwrite is not recommended. Use "writematrix" instead."
PS2: You may be interested in a function of "writetable" as well.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Jun 2022
T contains multiple data types, you would not be able to dlmwrite T{:,:}
Use writetable. New enough versions of MATLAB support 'WriteMode', 'append' which makes the task much easier.
melanie becker
melanie becker on 24 Aug 2023
Hello, I'd a code that worked for matlab2022beta:
writetable(T,'outfile.txt','Delimiter',' ', 'WriteMode','append')
... but now using matlab2017a I cannot use it anymore (writetable does not know append for writemode).
How I can write my test file with matlab2017a?
I use dlmwrite but I've this error: "Undefined function 'real' for input arguments of type 'string'"
My table contains both string & real,... How I can write both of them?

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