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Matrix in matlab equation

4 views (last 30 days)
Amy Topaz
Amy Topaz on 12 Mar 2022
Commented: Amy Topaz on 12 Mar 2022
A = 1*1000 matrix
I need another matrix Y which has all the rows as A
Y = 1000*1000 matrix
How to do that??

Accepted Answer

Torsten on 12 Mar 2022
Y = repmat(A,1000,1)
Amy Topaz
Amy Topaz on 12 Mar 2022
Thank you
What about when Y has all columns as A?
Torsten on 12 Mar 2022
Edited: Torsten on 12 Mar 2022
My guess is that you mean
Y = repmat(A.',1,1000)
Since the columns of A have 1 element and those of Y have 1000 elements, Y cannot have all its columns as A.

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More Answers (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 12 Mar 2022
Edited: John D'Errico on 12 Mar 2022
An alternative to repmat is to use a dot product (if you are an old APL person like me, then the phrase "outer product" will come to mind.) Thus, if A is a 1x1000 vector, then
B = ones(1000,1)*A;
B will be a matrix that has rows identical to A, with 1000 copies thereof.
Similarly, if you instead want columns that are copies of the row vector A, you can do this:
C= A.'*ones(1,1000);
C will be a 1000x1000 matrix, with columns given as A, and 1000 such columns.
Note my use of the .' operator there, since if you use the ' operator instead, then it will form the conjugate transpose if A had any complex or purely imaginary elements.


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