How to search a specific row and a column from a csv file that are associated with the date that was selected?
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How to search a specific row(s) and a column(s) from a csv file that is/are associated with the date that was selected and display which row(s) has this date.
I have 356 rows and the column #1 has data that start with 01/01/2022 up to 12/31/2022.
Now, if a user enter 01/27/2022 than I want to search for which row on the first column has a date that match the selected date once this row is found then I know column #2 has data for x-axis and column #3 has data for y-axis. So once I found this row(s) then I can plot the data that are on column #2 and #3 for the row(s) that was found.
The reason for me saying "rows" is because I have about 9000 rows of data and that I have over more than one row for each day!
Accepted Answer
Arif Hoq
on 9 Mar 2022
try this. please follow the dateformat whenever user put the date. I have attached a random csv file.
data=readtable('VIX.csv','ReadVariableNames', false);
DateFormat = '2014-05-26';
A=input('put the date: ');
[idx C]=ismember(A,date)
output= data(C,:);
More Answers (1)
Peter Perkins
on 9 Mar 2022
It's a LOT easier using a timetable:
>> x = (1:20)';
>> y = rand(size(x));
>> date = datetime(2022,1,repelem(1:4,5)');
>> tt = timetable(date,x,y)
tt =
20×2 timetable
date x y
___________ __ ________
01-Jan-2022 1 0.072686
01-Jan-2022 2 0.63163
01-Jan-2022 3 0.88471
01-Jan-2022 4 0.27271
01-Jan-2022 5 0.43641
04-Jan-2022 16 0.90465
04-Jan-2022 17 0.50452
04-Jan-2022 18 0.51629
04-Jan-2022 19 0.31903
04-Jan-2022 20 0.98664
>> tt("2022-01-03",:)
ans =
5×2 timetable
date x y
___________ __ ________
03-Jan-2022 11 0.46445
03-Jan-2022 12 0.94098
03-Jan-2022 13 0.050084
03-Jan-2022 14 0.76151
03-Jan-2022 15 0.7702
>> plot(tt.x('2022-01-03'),tt.y('2022-01-03'))
If you are doing this a lot, look at using rowfun with date as the grouping variable.
You are getting your data from a file. If your version of MATLAB is too old to have readtimetable, use readtable and table2timetable.
See Also
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