Unrecognized method, property, or field 'queryProxyServer' for class 'matlab.in​ternal.Web​windowMana​gerInterfa​ce'. can not open AddOns

2 views (last 30 days)
I am using Matlab R2021a update 4 on arch linux, and when i try to open AddOns, or click install update there is this error:
Unrecognized method, property, or field 'queryProxyServer' for class 'matlab.internal.WebwindowManagerInterface'.
Error in matlab.internal.cef.webwindowmanager/readProxyServer (line 234)
proxyInfo = wmi.queryProxyServer();
Error in matlab.internal.cef.webwindow (line 304)
Error in matlab.internal.webwindow/createImplementation (line 313)
implObj = matlab.internal.cef.webwindow(varargin{:});
Error in matlab.internal.webwindow (line 161)
obj.impl = obj.createImplementation(varargin{:});
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnsWindow/launch (line 51)
obj.webwindow = matlab.internal.webwindow(char(url), obj.debugPort, obj.normalWindowPosition);
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Explorer/loadUrlForNavigateToMessage (line 125)
obj.addOnsWindowInstance.launch(url, obj.windowStateUtil.getExplorerWindowMaximizedSetting);
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Explorer/show (line 56)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showExplorer (line 136)
also when i launch matlab it works properly but there is this messege:
Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Ashutosh Singh Baghel
Ashutosh Singh Baghel on 23 Sep 2021
Could you please run the following commands and send the response -
1. Execute the following commands and check if CEF browser launches successfully.
a = matlab.internal.webwindow('http://mathworks.com');
2. Try to launch Add-On Manager and see if it works: Add-Ons -> Manage Add-Ons

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Accepted Answer

Ashutosh Singh Baghel
Ashutosh Singh Baghel on 24 Sep 2021
Hi Yash,
The "queryProxyServer" method that is mentioned in the error message was introduced in R2021a 'Update 5'. As you are using 'Update 4', then it looks like you tried to copy some Update 5 files into the installation path, which won't work.
Likely, you need to either reinstall 'Update 4' to get a good installation or upgrade to 'Update 5'.
Also, I beleive the error you are getting is an reported issue. Please refer to the following link for a workaround.
  1. Why do I get the startup error : Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" or "pk-gtk-module" in R2019a on Redhat Linux?
  2. QRG for "Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" error"
  1 Comment
Yash Pajvani
Yash Pajvani on 27 Sep 2021
Hii Ashutosh this is true, actully i tried to upgrade from update4 to update5 but update was not successfull due to some permission issue in linux, finally i uninstall and install again which solve the problem.

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